The “Hands Off Our Senate” Rally held in Sydney’s Martin Place from 2pm to 3.30pm today drew 30 minor parties and over 300 people.

The rally was held in support of two High Court challenges to the government’s new Senate voting law which will be examined in the High Court on Monday May 2 and Tuesday May 3.

The theme of the rally was to send a message to the government that:

· NO! You cannot deceive the people with this tricky electoral law !

· NO! You cannot silence the people!

· And NO! You cannot control for your own ends the Senate which is meant to be a House of review

One of the speakers, Malcolm Mackerras (an election expert and chairman of the 3 Million voices campaign) called the new law an “abominable snowman” because it is both an abomination and a ‘snow’ job on the Australian people.

Another speaker, Warwick Marsh of the Fatherhood Foundation, likened the new law to the ACDC song “dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.”

One of the highlights of the rally was Senator Bob Day when he took a guitar after speaking, and he sang Bob Dylan’s “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall.” – see photo attached

3 Million Voices coordinator Peter Madden said, “We were very pleased with the great support from both the community and the varied minor parties in standing together to oppose this government treachery.”

For further information please contact 3 Million Voices Coordinator Peter Madden: 0413 765291