This is the last train out of Hopesville for property rights

Peter Spencer
Peter Spencer

Peter Spencer has been granted a hearing to his interlocutory application by the appeals unit before Justice Griffiths, Tuesday, 16 February 2016 at 9.30am in the Federal Court of Australia  NSW Division 184 Phillip Street, Sydney.

During this last week, Peter had an accident and has broken a leg. He is now in  a wheelchair and also suffered a stomach rupture needing urgent attention. None of this will not deter this man from his mission to redeem land rights for all Australians.

In an interview with Harry Palmer of SOS-NEWS, Peter Spencer stated, “this hearing is so vital – we are trying to open this can of worms and we need to fill the court on Tuesday to reflect solidarity of the people to this government theft of THEIR LAND.”

“Nineteen years ago when the first Native Vegetation Laws passed from a Bill to a Law the Liberals and Nationals said they would revoke the laws as soon as they got in to power – that is if the people voted them in… 19 years later it is still law  LIARS – nothing was done!

“But with National Parks, Valuer Generals Act variations and new “Abandonment” rules, our rural zoning is shattered…..Land owners right across the country are being forced to give up to a 3rd of their land free to councils for subdivision from Rule Zone conversions. “King John 800 years ago at Magna Carta was held to be hung if he did not stop stealing the peoples land.”  

“After 800 years we are right back to where we started, we dropped our guard and they have shattered our property institution.

“Previously there were interlocutory hearings where hundreds of documents supporting Peters case were not allowed from the listed of one hundred witnesses to be called was first reduced to thirty, then slashed to just three.

“One example of this government gagging was removal of prime witness for the Spencer case distinguished Professor Graham Farquhar AO of the Australian National University’s (ANU) Research School of Biology and Chief Investigator of the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis who recently won the Prime Ministers award for science.

“Professor Farquhar informed then Prime Minister John Howard in 1997 that he could pay the whole KYOTO carbon bill if he was allowed to lock up farms. He was immediately appointed to the KYOTO negotiating committee to which John Howard gave written instructions [Peter has this document that was also removed from his evidence bank] they could not sign with KYOTO unless farming land clearing bans were part of mitigating to the carbon reduction. This was approved by KYOTO as Australian clause 3.7.

“Upon return from the KYOTO conference, Professor Farquhar wrote a paper on “why land clearing was the most important part of the KYOTO negotiations.”

“Peter Spencer further stated, he said to the judge, “you have already taken half my cabinet documented evidence, you have refused me to submit evidence from the minutes of COAG, you have removed all but three of my witnesses from any cross examination that included Professor Farquhar with numerous others of equal caliber”.

Imagine what extracted information obtained from these witnesses by Spencer supporting his case would do to the government defense if  suppressing damming paper and documents.

Peter commented, “nineteen years ago when the first Native Vegetation Laws passed from a Bill to a Law the Liberals and Nationals said they would revoke the laws as soon as they got in to power – that is if the people voted them in… 19 years later it is still law  LIARS – nothing was done!

But with National Parks, Valuer Generals Act variations and new “Abandonment” rules, our rural zoning is shattered…..Land owners right across the country are being forced to give up to a 3rd of their land free to councils for subdivision from Rule Zone conversions. “King John 800 years ago at Magna Carta was held to be hung if he did not stop stealing the peoples land.”  

After 800 years we are right back to where we started, we dropped our guard and they have shattered our property institution.

“Peter Spencer’s solo attack on the federal and NSW State system to expose the systematic land theft from all Australians is more than a match between David & Goliath, the blatant brute force from the incumbent public servant death throws reducing now to lies, deceit and sheer taxpayer funding of the legal sharks circling a floundering prey who has the ammunition, the facts and evidence that would return all land rights back to the people.”

If you can attend the gallery in court this Tuesday to observe justice being manipulated to remove the threat of guilty as charged upon government, you may then understand the bias of law that favours you not in the duopoly democracy of Australia.

Harry Palmer