Ancient Phoenicians discovered The Americas and Australia

By Lyndesy Symonds and Jim O’Toole

In response to the Victorian stone formation; in UNDRIP land all indigenous people throughout the world claim the megalithic structures on their ancestral land as the monuments their ancestors built. The mythology is that the Inca for example built the great wall of Ollantaytambo in Peru, the ancient Phoenecians / Canaanites of Lebanon built the foundations of Baalbek, the ancient Han Chinese built the White pyramids of Xi an and so forth.

Walsh’s Pyramid 20 klms south of Cairns said to have been visited by ancient travellers.

Usually this is followed by a tale of how the evil White racist European colonizers and oppressors stole the technology of their making from people who would have been primitive when these structures were built and are primitive today.

I see over in Ohio that Chief Riverwind has changed his story on the great Serpent Mound. Originally, the story was that his ancestors ‘the mound builders’ came into the land and the Serpent Mound was already there. Now the story is they built it. Neither Chief Riverwind nor anybody in his first nation has even heard of the 18.6 year Metonic cycle of the moon – upon which the Ohio Serpent Mound is based – but now the story is they engineered and built it. I am sure the little Ohio-ans have to learn all this Marxist crap in school when they would be better served going out to the Serpent Mound and learning about the Metonic Cycle with the the first nation children.

There are a lot worse things than being primitive – like cannibal giants. The really old stories all tell the Genesis 6 narrative and these are usually kept from the outsiders as the secret business. But the giants were worshipped as the sons of the gods in the Dark Days.

Gympie pyramid

Stones like granite, basalt and andesite (almost as hard as diamond) weighing thousands of tons and built into structures which were designed to harnass the energy of earth’s rotation on its axis and move / adapt to seismic shifts were not built by any technology that any race of humanity currently possesses.

Unintelligent archaeologists with a bent for re-inventing the black wheel claim remnants of ancient pottery found at Lizard Island, 253 klms north of Cairns recently were made by Aborigines. Professor of Indigenous archaeology at Monash University, Ian McNiven has a fanciful notion that Aborigines made this pottery. Obviously he has been getting his ground breaking history snippets from white author Bruce Pascoe who thinks early Aborigines were grain farmers.

Mr McNiven should do some proper research and he would find that this pottery almost certainly emanates from the Phoenician voyage and settlements along the east coast of Australia chronicled at circa 231 BC or from other people more civilised than Aborigines who visited there long ago.

Carbon dating of pottery or anything else is unreliable to say the least.

There are small pyramids in Australia – grassed over and overgrown with bush certainly but still here as a remnant of a once universal civilisation that spanned the globe.

Walsh’s Pyramid at Gordonvale, 20 klms south of Cairns is a natural monolith at 922 metres and was almost certainly visited by ancient Phoenicians during their recorded voyage along the east coast of Australia circa 231BC. A farmer at Gordonvale many years ago found Egyptian-type trinkets and jewelry when ploughing a paddock. The whereabouts of these artifacts are no longer known but the Cairns Historical Society has been coy about ancient visitations when asked by Cairns News.