By Ron Chapman

Australia has no constitution and no law. Since Australia became a sovereign nation over a century ago a covert cabal of insider elitists have pretended our British colonial constitution still applies. It doesn’t. Australians need to undertake a proper constitutional creation process to produce a Constitution accepted by all Australians in a properly conducted Constitutional Convention and national approval process. All Australians need to consider and endorse a sovereign national Constitution.

Our current national dystopia is due to endless repetition of disinformation by governments, the MSM and our educational and cultural institutions.
Our unelected ruling elite has concocted a series of pretend federal, state and local governments designed to increasingly centralise power into fewer and fewer hands. Those pseudo democratic governance arrangements have unlawfully imposed myriad laws and a multitude of taxes, licence fees and charges on the general population. Those taxes, fees and charges constitute unlawful extortion. Worse yet, those laws are only enforced against the general population and not against the elite and its senior political, judicial, bureaucratic, corporate and cultural minions; except in egregious cases that cannot be whitewashed or concealed.

Our covert rulers have also unlawfully granted exclusive free licences to private corporations to create and emit about 97% of the currency we use to exchange goods and services. Giving private banks the exclusive right to emit currency and fraudulently call it money and using the judiciary and Police to enforce exclusive use of that currency by Australians, is a crime that has created poverty scarcity and want in a nation that used to be among the richest on earth. See eg: What a Government Can Do With Its Own Bank –

The policy of our pretend governments to unconscionably subsidise and elevate the rights of the 2-3% of our population who claim some aboriginal DNA should be the final straw that wakes up Australians to the need to become involved in our governance so that they organise themselves to remove our criminal elitist usurpers from power. IF Australians don’t wish to do that they deserve what they get in the same way that those who accept medical rape because doctors and government officials tell them they should, can be said to accept the consequences.

As Australia has no lawful constitution, pretending to amend it for any reason including to give a special “ Voice” to those claiming some Aboriginal DNA is absurd. Every ensouled Australian is a sovereign human being. Attempting to give special treatment to Aboriginals is divisive and undemocratic.

Attempting to legislate to give special treatment to Aboriginals is a recipe for destruction of the nation. Every special interest ethnic group in this multi-cultural nation could use it as a precedent justifying the seeking of similar privileges. For instance, the progeny of the Irish convicts who were enslaved by British aristocrats and forced to build the physical foundations of this nation’s current prosperity account for more than 3% of the national population. Why shouldn’t they get together and modestly and graciously request reconciliation via having a “Voice”for their special interests in Australia’s governance? And so on.

The narrative that Aboriginals are ‘noble savages’ with a superior culture and morality is absurd. While it is true that Talmudic influences have substantially corrupted and degraded the teachings of Christ Jesus, never-the-less the vestiges of his message were responsible for the superior civilisation that developed in Europe and formed the backbone of the Australian nation.

The truth about the primitive nature of Aboriginal culture here is obvious despite attempts by governments and Talmudic activists to pretend otherwise. See eg: Australian History: Settlers and Aboriginals part one

Moreover, the libel that the British governance of the Australian colonies prior to Australia becoming a sovereign nation after WWI was genocidal is totally unsupported by the facts. British governors generally treated aboriginals and whites equally where possible. See eg: Australian History: Settlers and Convicts part two –

Peace and Blessings