A mother of two was murdered in a violent home invasion yesterday in the Moreton Bay region north east of Brisbane.

The 41-year-old woman, Emma Lovell, suffered fatal injuries, while 43-year-old Lee Lovell survived with non-life-threatening wounds.

Emma and Lee Lovell were defenceless against four violent home invaders, but could have had a chance if they had access to a gun

As first respondents this couple had little chance of defending themselves but could have protected themselves if they had a firearm, a proposition that Queensland Police and the Labor Party rally against as more frequent home invasions and assaults occur on a daily basis throughout the state.

Whether the assailants are black or white the only way they will be deterred is by the possibility that the homeowner has a gun.

Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers once stated on the ABC that the only people in this state who should own guns are the police.

The Corporate Queensland Police Service is an integral part of Queensland Labor Party Inc and are tied at the hip with policies that are not suitable for the good people of the sunshine state.

Now that the socialist Premier has handed over the state electoral roll to Konnech China there will be no chance of ever removing the corrupt ALP at the ballot box.

Two teenagers charged with woman’s murder: