CHINA SPEAKS By General Chi Haotian

The Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission and Defence Minister of China 1993-2003

December 2005

The following is the actual text of a speech delivered in December 2005 by Comrade

Chi Haotian –the Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commision to top officers

and generals. Keep in mind that China has for many years advocated deceitful

and covert warfare against its enemies.

Chi Haotian –the Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commision

This is their Modus Operandi.

“Comrades, I’m very excited today, because the large-scale online survey

that was done for us showed that our next generation is quite promising and our

Party’s cause will be carried on. In answering the question, “Will you shoot at

women, children and prisoners of war,” more than 80 per cent of the respondents

answered in the affirmative, exceeding by far our expectations.

(As they did in Tibet killing thousands of innocent people, many were beaten to death, tortured or thrown over cliffs. The shocking Tiananmen Square incident occurred on 5 June 1989: The Chinese Government shot, bayoneted and bashed to death an estimated 10,000 innocent students in Tiananmen Square because they dared to hold a different opinion and protest, they ran over the dead and wounded with 30-ton tanks and pulped their bodies, then used machinery to scrape their mangle bodies into heaps and burnt them.)

Today I’d like to focus on why we asked to conduct this online survey

among our people. My speech today is a sequel to my speech last time, during

which I started with a discussion of the issue of the three islands [Taiwan, Diaoyu

Islands and the Spratley Islands — Ott] and mentioned that 20 years of the idyllic

theme of ‘peace and development’ had come to an end, and concluded that

modernization under the saber is the only option for China’s next phase. I also

mentioned we have a vital stake overseas.

The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at

women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far beyond

that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the Chinese people’s

attitude towards war is: If these future soldiers do not hesitate to kill even noncombatants,

they’ll naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing combatants.

Therefore, the responses to the survey questions may reflect the general attitude

people have towards war……..We wanted to know: If China’s global development

will necessitate massive deaths in enemy countries, will our people endorse that

scenario? Will they be for or against it?

The fact is, our ‘development’ refers to the great revitalization of the Chinese

nation, which, of course, is not limited to the land we have now but also includes

the whole world. As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the

Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in

Africa. Therefore no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the

research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other

races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated

independently in the land of China. Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are

the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress

of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a

single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls

itself ‘descendants of Yan and Huang.’

(They believe they are a superior race entitled to wipe out others) More, P 2……