Amendments to states’ criminal codes allowing convictions by one witness cut no ice with the High Court in the George Pell case. Common law can decide proving that corporate policies of each state should  be repealed and replaced with natural law. Editor


By Kevmo, Brisbane
Ancient Latin legal maxim literally meaning “concerning (the) law of (the) blood of crowns” In COMMON LAW since the end of the 16th Century, royal or noble blood has claimed superior status — in particular to the freedom of their body, protection of property and the obligation of any matter brought against them to follow DUE PROCESS (of the LAW), especially right of RELIEF. When an individual claims de jure sanguinis coronae, providing they demonstrate a comprehension of the term and why they should be granted such status (for example–knowledge of the valid argument that you are of royal birth by virtue of being Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings) then the COURT must grant such recognition.
If Cardinal Pell had understood the Bible?
Deuteronomy 19:15-19 (NKJV) The Law Concerning Witnesses. 15 “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.
For Cardinal Pell the High Court upheld Deuteronomy 19: 15 “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.”
Law history –
From 3rd Century BCE Latin lāres = “a group ancient Roman deities (gods) defining localized activities, customs and practices accumulated over time including (but not limited to) home, family, the state, the sea, land and travel”;
12th Century Old English lārs = “a collection of common doctrines, customs and practices accumulated over time; and the teaching of such customs”; later
16th Century Middle English lore/law = “A collection of rules (doctrines), customs and practices (accumulated over time) enjoining or prohibiting certain action; also the individual rules themselves “.
Contrary to misleading information, the Ancient Roman Legal System never considered the customs of lāres as being other than religious doctrine and ancient superstitions (witchcraft). Instead, the Roman Empire was founded on lēx/lēgis (statutes) and later (under Constantine) ilex (universal statutes).
The modern western legal systems of nations are therefore based on inferior lāres –religious doctrines and concepts designed by the Roman Cult–while the Roman Cult reserved the formal structure of superior lēx/lēgis in the form of covenants and agreements such as Concordats, Official Church Councils and Papal Bulls.
Divine Law Definition:
the law that defines the Divine in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum and clearly demonstrates the spirit, mind, purpose and instruction of the Divine Creator including the operation of the Volition and Will of the Divine Creator through existence. Therefore all valid Law may be said to be derived from Divine Law. The highest law of all Law is therefore Divine Law, then Natural Law, then Cognitive Law, then Positive Law
Natural law –
Definition:the law that defines the operation of the Volition and Will of the Divine Creator in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum through its existence in the Form of matter and physical rules. Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law
Cognitive law
Definition:the set of laws that define the special attributes possessed by certain higher orderlife such as mind, ideas, knowledge, recognition and self-awareness created through the simultaneous application of both Divine Law and Natural Law
Positive law
Definition:the laws that are enacted by Men and Women through proper authority in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum for the government of a society. As Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law
Natural person –
Definition: A man or woman in Roman law as a perverse or false attempt to claim that the fiction of Person is part of Natural law
Definition:At the beginning of the 19th Century, a new definition was added to reflect the real-world fact of unique differences between individuals, namely “A set of qualities that makes a PERSON distinct from another”. The use of the word “personality” in the creation of the fictional and extremely dangerous “science” of psychology is attested from the early 20th Century meaning “assumed role or manner of PERSONAL behaviour”.
Who or What is a Person ? Court actions and God’s opinion.
As a young boy at Nudgee Boys Collage, Brisbane, Queensland, I was referred to as ‘Master’, and never really understood why?
Now I’m fully aware that One is the ‘Master of their vessel’ until the age of 14, (12 in the USA) and then through deceit and ignorance, One becomes the ‘Vassal of their Master’!
As you all should be aware by now, the legal definition of ‘Person’ is “Corporation”;
And the legal definition for Human is “Monster”‘Unable to ever be an Heir to land’;
Also at Nudgee, they drummed into us that ‘All roads lead to Rome’, Rome wasn’t built in a day’, and ‘When in Rome, do what the Romans do’!
That said, all LAW/law in the West is ecclesiastical (Admiralty LAW of the sea; AKA Inland Piracy), No exceptions; this is why the Bible is in all Court rooms in the West and beyond.
I clearly remember the story of Adam and Eve, and the stark warning, ‘don’t eat the fruit!’! Translated into Latin is Usufruct, say it slowly; Us u fruct or use the fruit.
Don’t use the fruit of another’s creation, as God will NEVER-RESPECT-EWE! Here’s the legal definition of Usufructuary;
Remember, a Person in LAW is nothing more than a ‘Thing’.
Here’s the actual legal definition of Usufruct;
All Western countries and beyond have been infiltrated by Vatican UNIDROIT (Private LAW) Banker/quasi Governments, see here;
Here is a direct extract from an Australian LAW book known as; ‘Elements of Roman LAW by R. W. Lee, printed by The Law book company of Australia PTY LTD’. Printed in 1944. Not so long ago. Page 47; “Was the Roman Slave a thing or a Person? The answer is he was both. He could be owned and as such was a res. [financial instrument] but he was a human being and as such a person.” [Do the words resume, reside, resolve, resist, resonate with you?]