GetUp Australia is billionaire George Soros’ puppet cult. It is one of the most dangerous pressure groups (naïve students and Greens  disciples) in Australia today.  Canada and Hungary right now are moving to ban all George Soros funded organisations in their countries. Soros backed and funded Hilary Clinton’s disastrous campaign to become US president. Soros has been found by US authorities to fund left-wing violent campaigns against Trump and the powerful firearms lobby.


Soros directly funded demonstrations to disrupt Trump’s inauguration and also contributed towards the ‘womens march’ in the US, attended by hairy armpitted, hairy legged, pseudo-intellectual, chardonnay-sipping left-wing feminists who hate men with a passion.Below is the latest tirade from the Bolsheviks of GetUp:

George Soros funds violent left-wing demonstrations, Hilary Clinton and GetUp Australia


Right-wing Senator Cory Bernardi just announced he’s leaving the Liberals to form his own ‘Australian Conservatives’ Party. Modelling himself on Donald Trump, Bernardi’s agenda is one of hate, climate destruction and increasing inequality. His policies hurt people. And he’s starting off with 50,000 followers and his “very close friend” Gina Rinehart, who joined Bernardi in meetings with Trump’s campaign team in New York.1 Like Trump, we can’t underestimate Bernardi or the damage he can do. We have a community of 1 million members, who proved last election we can take on the far right and win. If there’s any group of committed, passionate people who can counter Bernardi’s Trump-inspired politics of division, it’s us. But to keep countering that far right agenda, we need to fight harder and longer than any election campaign. That means more people joining the GetUp Crew — the team of GetUp supporters who make a regular donation to fund our collective power.

Check out our video about what Bernardi’s move means for Australia — and join the GetUp Crew today.

What will we do? Everything GetUp does best. We’re going to counter and frustrate Bernardi’s mining-backed right-wing agenda with bigger, deeper and more far-reaching campaigns — just like we did to stop Tony Abbott’s extreme agenda. We’ll hit the streets, airwaves and online. And we’ll counter his 50,000 followers with 1 million passionate GetUp members, like we’ve done time and again on the issues that matter. But we won’t stop there. We’ll also work with members to mobilise in their own communities, and get their neighbours and friends involved to organise for lasting, long-term change that combats hate and division with unity. And we’ll drive the political narrative with cutting-edge, media-grabbing policy research that takes back the agenda from Bernardi’s denial of science and fact. All to be backed in by the creative ads and viral videos that reach millions and stand out from the political pack.