Letters to the media by LNP Senator Ian Macdonald and his hopeful colleague Matthew Canavan reveal their serious concern that Bob Katter’s senate candidate might take the spot left by the intended departure of Senator Ron Boswell at the September election.

Of course Boswell’s effortless legacy of his last three terms in which he did nothing except take home his pay wont be hard to fill by a genuine representative of the struggling citizens of Queensland.

Bob Katter has chosen country singer James Blundell to head his senate ticket and take up years of slack left by Senators Macdonald and Boswell, whose contributions, in absentia, to the cattle industry and farming in general have left a generation of producers in financial tatters.

The 25 year free trade dogma of the Liberal Party has decimated our once-proud farming industry where producers have become the price takers of the foreign-owned food cartels.

The so-called independent arbiter of former government-owned, now privatized water and power utilities, the Competition Commission, is a product of three insidious international treaties binding and driving the policies of the two-party system of government we are forced to endure.

Stemming from Liberal Party support of the Lima Declaration 1975, the Nationals 1995 General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs(WTO) and the ALPs 1992 Agenda 21, the economy, businessmen and farmers have been driven into the ground.

The freehold titles of our land have been ripped up.

The sacred cow of the two-party system, the powerful and rapacious ‘big four’ banks have taken out of the national economy more than nine billion dollars in interest in the last year, mostly shelled out by suffering families, unchecked and unabated.

Katter wants to restore our previous system of sovereign development banking to create our own infrastructure to be built by Australian companies.

According to retired Liberal Senator Michael Baume, the Commonwealth Development Bank was shut down by the ALP government in 1995, soon after accusations of irregularities involving then Prime Minister Paul Keating.

On the present course we cannot survive as a nation.