Victoria Police escorted these “Nazis” to the steps of State Parliament to provide Dan Andrews the opportunity to smear the rising push-back against transgender outrages against women and children.
Kellie-Jay Keen with Melbourne feminists and others protesting against the transgender assault on womanhood. Note the placard on the right.


ONE Nation Senator Pauline Hanson believes a group of gays posing as Nazis were a “set-up” to smear the recent anti-trans rally by in Melbourne addressed by UK feminist Kellie-Jay Keen – a so-called TERF or “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist”.

Former Senator Cory Bernardi believes something similar. Appearing at the rally was well known neo-Nazi figure Thomas Sewell, of the National Socialist Network, who claims to be leading a “vanguard” of males fighting LGBT activism. Sewell is married and apparently not gay.

Speaking in a Senate debate against a silly bill sponsored by the Liberal Party to ban Nazi symbols and salutes under the Commonwealth Criminal Code, Senator Hanson said she had spoken to people who attended the rally and they saw some of the all-male, so-called Nazi group holding hands. Now there’s some interesting Nazis.

Members of the group did appear quite effeminate, with tight fitting black shorts and T-shirts and apparently shaven legs. They also lacked the heavy-metal style tattooing usually sported by neo-Nazi types. But apparently the neo-Nazis are keen on physical fitness and see themselves as some sort of example for manhood in general.

Bernardi recalled on a Twitter post when fake “white supremacists” campaigned for a Republican senator. “Were the Left behind the leg waxing, armpit shaving Nazis supposedly campaigning for women’s rights last weekend in Melbourne,” the Senator wrote.

Maybe there’s something about Sewell we don’t know about. Or is he so naive as to think that a group Nazi salute at a protest would somehow help Kellie-Jay Keen and her pushback against trannie perverts like US swimmer “Lia Thomas” inserting themselves into women’s sport, female toilets and change rooms or flaunting themselves before children in public places like groomers. Some of the alphabet crowd even identify as animals.

Also curious was the fact that this group was literally escorted by Victoria Police to the steps of the Parliament, where they performed the salute. A placard carried by one of the anti-trans protesters made the very interesting statement: “This police force acts on behalf of trans lobby groups”, which would be consistent with Comrade Dan Andrew’s fanatical support of transgender and related alphabet people.

Sewell and his offsider Blair Cottrell of United Patriots Front have a mixed background. Cottrell has done time for stalking and violence against some bloke who stole his girlfriend. His big concern is Moslem migration and he campaigned against a Mosque in Bendigo, Victoria which led to him and two supporters being convicted “of inciting hatred, contempt and ridicule of Muslims” after making a video beheading a dummy at a protest in Bendigo.

Cottrell and his associates were charged under Victoria’s Orwellian and politically charged Racial and Religious Tolerance Act, most likely designed to protect the UN mass migration and multiculturalism programs to weaken nation states and break up their prevailing cultures. Cottrell unsuccessfully attempted an appeal to the Supreme Court of Victoria. An attempted free speech case at the High Court was also rejected. The County Court did consider his case, but upheld one of the fines.

Sewell on the other hand, has only had one brush with the law, when he punched a security guard at the Channel 9 offices in Melbourne. He was only given a six-month community work order. The question must be asked whether Sewell has friends in high places and is running some sort of counter-gang operation. Is this the same band of merry men who went out to the Grampians National Park to photograph and video themselves doing Seig Heils on some rocky outcrop. Hello?

The show that Sewell and his boys put on in Melbourne was way too convenient for Andrews and the alphabet crowd. It was a green light for Andrews to use the Nazi smear on the anti-trans protest by the feminists and others including the conservative Liberal MP Moira Deeming.

The Liberals themselves fell for this provocation with their leader John Pesutto threatening to expel Deeming for attending the rally. Pesutto also defended the trans lobby by smearing Kellie-Jay Keen with a fake Wikipedia entry linking her to “white supremacists” – an extraordinary clown show if there ever was one.

Federal Liberals then jumped on the anti-Nazi bandwagon with their Bill to ban Nazi symbols and salutes. Andrews, of course, wants to do the same in Victoria. No doubt both parties saw it as an opportunity to score some brownie points with the wealthy political donors of the Jewish community, some of whom appear to think that they are the exclusive victims of totalitarians in world history.

Meanwhile Andrews and others on the radical Left and so-called Liberal Party “centrists” are complete fools to think that the general public will continue to tolerate this transgender madness as public policy.