By Lyndesy Symonds

Turkey is leaving NATO and aligning itself with the real new world order which will have its centre in Eurasia. It has served its role in leveraging NATO into ME wars of Perestroika Deception. The goal of this Seven Nations in Five Years SIG warfare was to Regime Change Muslim governments that are not Crypto-Jew and overseen by the KGB/FSB for best bud : Israel.

General Wesley Clark, a NATO whorejob, runs cover this infamy with the now famous phrase: it’s abut oil. No. It was about getting the Moscow / Tel-Aviv Axis of Eurasia sorted out. Don’t miss his Freemason’s Ring which he flashes at the end.

General Wesley Clark “Seven Countries in Five Years’

For those who are interested , here is the whole file on Operation SIG
Caution – not after breakfast.

The Muslim press also covered the 9 nations which pulled their embassies out of Turkey 24 hours before the earthquake, foremost among them: the two ZOG heavy-lifters: the US and Germany. Of course, they knew. I think the effects of that thing are being felt all over the world – most notably with the cyclone in NZ. And a section of the Euphrates River that runs through Turkey is (wait for it) on fire. (Google blocked this site-only on Tor)

Under the Perestroika Deception these Marxist Leninist governments work together: the Western ZOGs and the Communists. That is because The Owners of all these governments have two branches of their Revolution: Zionism and Communism. This is the convergence. And Turkey is building the Caliphate that will slot nicely into the Eurasian project.

The Rabbit Hole is not only deeper than we suppose, it is deeper than we can suppose. Good on Cairns News for publishing this in the interests of truth (Our Lord Jesus Christ is Truth) and Australia. So praise the Lord and get more buckets and spades down there.