A new people’s currency will have to be developed starting now

The JCU website has this introduction to its interactive technologies course:

Master of Information Technology Design and build innovative solutions to the problems of tomorrow. Gain hands-on experience in information technology with advanced critical analysis skills and comprehensive knowledge of tools and technologies.

Learn from leading industry experts who can develop your expertise in computing, business informatics, and interactive technologies and game design. |Solve the Technology Challenges of the Future with a Master of Information Technology Degree from James Cook University.’

Graduates will be the managers of the digital future recording your facial features in massive government and private data banks for matching with your digital money purchases of groceries from what you eat for breakfast to what television programs you watch.

Infa-red roadside cameras already record your movements giving the data bank records of where you traveled and occupants of the vehicle then CCTV will record whose home or commercial business you visited.

Your Telstra telephone records, gun licence, drivers licence, vaccination records and Facebook analyses will be linked to the data bank making up another piece of the intrusive jigsaw allowing Big Brother to compile a complete dossier on you, your family and friends.

Every purchase you make, every club you join, any political party donations and school fees you pay will present an information bonanza which, according to myGov site information will be collected and linked to private companies and you will be correct if you read China into this dystopian nightmare.

Look at the steel shutters and tough security measures installed at every major shopping centre. When the gooks want you to sit up and listen they will simply close the supermarket doors for however long it takes.

Your children’s education records are already online and if there has been any unruly behaviour or absenteeism noted by the school administration then this information will be on your family’s profile.

The unvaccinated will be taken forcibly by robocops to rehabilitation camps as suggested by the Jewish Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and remain there for re-education  until you submit to the deadly mRNA vaxx.

Social credit scores modeled on China’s hated system come next and if your overall tally is not to the political junta’s liking then your community ostracism begins.

You and your family will be banned from public transport by way of a flag on your credit or Eftpos card, you will not be able to pay for your car’s recharge and your kids will be banned from attending state schools, ad infinitum.

The restrictions will keep squeezing you and your family until you agree to attend re-education camps and learn to be totally submissive slaves to the financial oligarchy.

This is the plan for guinea pig Australia before being introduced across western society.

Australian people had better start designing a new people’s currency for trade between themselves to buy food direct from growers and diesel fuel which can be manufactured on- farm and already is in many places.

Barter is another form of commerce on which off-grid people can easily survive. Home schooling has been underway for decades and solar home power generation is complete if batteries are installed.

Mobile phones and the controlled internet are not needed in spite of what your spoilt kids say so invest in inexpensive UHF radio sets with duplex settings and community repeaters that will allow you to go completely off-grid and stay connected to other users 100 or more kilometres away.

If your licenced guns are lost somewhere which can happen because rifles can bounce out of your vehicle on a rough road or you can have memory lapses forgetting where you last left your gun then that is terrible and the state will just have to get over it.

You must lose your phone as soon as possible.

Get ready readers this horror movie will be screened very soon thanks to Liberal and Labor who have been running the cinemas for decades, giving away popcorn and coke down the aisles. from Townsville Bureau