Not all Spaniards support their new socialist government’s agenda. Tens of thousands of Spaniards, most of them Vox Party supporters, came out in protest against the Sanchez coalition government early this January.

THE list of attendees to this month’s World Economic Forum reveals much about where governments are going with the WEF agenda.

A stunning example is the government of Spain, controlled currently by the long established Socialist Workers Party. Ironically, these so-called champions of the workers have sold out to the WEF’s global digitalization plan, strongly opposed by Italy’s growing populist movement that protested en masse earlier this month.

The WEF attendance list shows, for instance, Nadia Calvino, the country’s First Deputy Prime Minister, as Minister for Minister for Economy and Digitalization of Spain. No secrets there about where Spain is headed.

And then there’s Teresa Ribera, the country’s other Deputy Prime Minister, who is “Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain” – not just another environment minister, but a minister overseeing Spain’s “ecological transition”. Agenda 20-30 and great reset, here we come.

Spain’s prime minister is Pedro Sanchez, a slick, suave, cardboard cut-out politician, from a wealthy family and owner of an industrial packing company but also an avowed atheist and Marxist. Sanchez, the privileged capitalist, is also president of Socialist International.

Sanchez’s “social democrat” PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party) governs with the support of a socialist left party called Unidas Podemos, a so-called democratic socialist alliance that includes communists and is supposedly anti-globalisation and anti-austerity. Good luck with that, boys and girls.

And right up there with the socialist champions of the workers on the WEF attendance list were the representatives of Spain’s corporate elite, such as Ana Botin, group executive chairman of Banco Santander, and JoséLinares Perou her CEO and “Global Head, Corporate and Investment Banking”.

Also listed were the two chiefs of BBVA, a multinational financial services company based in Spain and said to be one of the largest financial institutions in the world. Other Spanish attendees represented oil and gas and construction companies, media, entertainment and sport. No doubt about it, the globalist neo-Nazi Klaus Schwab has “penetrated zee Spanish”.

If you’re not entirely convinced that Spain’s corporate community have been entirely captured by green ideology, there’s Luis Cabra, deputy CEO of the famous global oil and gas company Repsol. Imaz carries the title “Director, Energy Transition, Technology and Institutional Affairs”. Luis was at Davos with his CEO Josu Jon Imaz.

These oil executives must be wondering just how things will go when they have “transitioned” to solar panels, batteries and windmills. Will Repsol logos still be adorning electric cars and motorcycles as they whizz quietly around the tracks, taking half-hour pit stops to recharge. “Transitioned” motorsports sounds like a much quieter pursuit. Hopefully the nasty tendency of vehicle batteries to self combust will be sorted out by then.

Sanchez has been hailed by Californian professor Jacob Soll, writing in the leftist news site Politico, as a shining success story for the European left. But Sanchez’s government is strangling the farming sector by cutting irrigation water supply under the guise of “fighting climate change”. What Sanchez, like the Dutch government, is doing is taking control of and reducing food supply. Part of the truly diabolical WEF agenda.

Sanchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers Party has a long history. In1921 it split because the “social democrat” wing did not support the PSOE’s integration in the Communist International founded by Vladimir Lenin two years prior.

The result was the formation of the PCE, a merger of the Spanish Communist Party (Partido Comunista Español) and the Spanish Communist Workers’ Party (Partido Comunista Obrero Español). The PCE was first legalized after the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic in April 1931. The republic was “the first democratic regime” in the history of Spain.

In 1936 General Franco led a military coup against these growing leftist forces. It degenerated into the horrors of the Spanish Civil War. While Franco’s brutal rule during the war has been perpetually condemned by western leftists, the war subsided and the country moved ahead under his rule. He was as much a popular figure among Spaniards as he was a hated figure.

As noted by Encylopedia Britannica: “The period of ostracism finally came to an end with the worsening of relations between the Soviet world and the West at the height of the Cold War. Franco could now be viewed as one of the world’s leading anticommunist statesmen, and relations with other countries began to be regularized in 1948. His international rehabilitation was advanced further in 1953, when Spain signed a 10-year military assistance pact with the United States, which was later renewed in more limited form.”

The country prospered economically in the 1960s and Premier Franco gradually began loosening his hold on power, appointing Prince Juan Carlos as his successor on the monarchial throne he re-established by referendum in 1948.

Britannica notes further: “He (Franco) demonstrated marked political ability in gauging the psychology of the diverse elements, ranging from moderate liberals to extreme reactionaries, whose support was necessary for his regime’s survival. He maintained a careful balance among them and largely left the execution of policy to his appointees, thereby placing himself as arbiter above the storm of ordinary political conflict.”

Franco resigned his premiership in 1973 but kept his functions as head of state, commander in chief of the armed forces, and head of “the Movement” or Movimiento Nacional, a form of government set up by Franco during the Civil War in 1937, which included a single political party, an employee-employer organisation, and village representatives. Public servants were obliged to swear an oath to its principles.

Very interestingly, Wikipedia notes that the National Movement drew from Spain’s imperial past and declared its independence from the “purported Judeo-Masonic-Marxist international conspiracy, a personal obsession of Franco”. It appears Franco, most likely activated by the anti-masonic writings of various Popes, knew what he was up against as the forces of the left rallied in Spain in the 1920s and 30s in cahoots with the great Soviet experiment financed by certain Wall St banks.

A Catholic website discussing freemasonry states: “Masons were prominent in the French Revolution and the Irish rising of 1798. They helped lead the South American revolts against Spain as well as the unification of Italy. Discarding even the pretense of Deism, Grand Orient Lodges ceased to revere the Bible or any Volume of Sacred Law. They dominated the bitterly anti-clerical French Third Republic (1870-1940) that confiscated all Church property in France. They persecuted and slaughtered Catholics after the Mexican Revolution and during the Spanish Civil War. Even in today’s European Union, Masons favor radical secularization.”

But the website questions the link to Judaism, claiming it was Scottish Christians who founded the first lodges and a Protestant clergyman who wrote the first lodge constitution. “Not only is Marxism an entirely different entity, Communist regimes have always suppressed Masonry, as did Hitler and Mussolini,” the writers claim.

The book Freemasonry and the Vatican (pp 69-78) by Viscount Leon de Poncins, tackles the Judeo-Masonic links in a very balanced manner, citing opponents (e.g. A. Mellor) and supporters of the alleged links. But one of the most illuminating quotes is from Rabbi Eli Benamozegh’s 1914 work Israel and Humanity which states “What is certain is that Masonic theology corresponds well enough with that of the Kaballa.” The Rabbi goes on to state that Rabbinical works in the early Christian-era prove that “the Haggada was the popular form of a secret science, whose methods of initiation bore the most striking resemblances to Freemasonry.”

The book also discusses at length the revolutionary nature of the lodges and the links between Masonic doctrine and Marxism along with satanism, naturalism and freemasonry. Fast forward to the 2020s and we can see these ideologies running rampant. Naturalism most notable as environmentalism – a sort of new global religion mixed in with neo-Marxism and the brazenly satanic anti-Christian popular culture as demonstrated by the likes of Madonna and the global fashion brand Balenciaga.

This is underlying reason we see the bizarre alliance of corporate capitalism and neo-Marxism under the World Economic Forum, funded by American Jew Larry Fink, said to be the world’s richest man in terms of wealth his BlackRock company controls. Fink is at the top level of a new class of global multi-billionaires – not exclusively Jewish but certainly strongly influenced by them.

How quickly the Spanish will transition to their new digital system is unknown, but Sanchez and his socialists look positioned to be one of the countries that lead the way. Or will they fall again to a populist counter-revolution as faced by their forefathers some 86 years ago? The so-called “far right” Vox Party, which won 52 seats in the national assembly, is now the third largest party in Spain.

The Vox Party is not buying into the left’s “humanitarian” campaigns against “gender-based violence” and other such causes.