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People who support Alex Jones in his battle against US Democrats should order his book on Amazon, exposing the notorious plans of Klaus Schwab and others. Glenn Beck’s Great Reset book covers similar territory.


“IS this a struggle session? Are we in China?” Alex Jones asked a grandstanding, rabid prosecuting attorney attempting to shame Alex Jones over the comments his channel reported around the Sandy Hook shootings 11 years ago in Newtown, Connecticut, USA.

Jones, in a video excerpt played by Steve Bannon, was referring to a technique employed by Chinese Communist Party Red Guard revolutionaries against their enemies. Struggle sessions involved public humiliation and torture used at various times in the era of Mao Tse-Tung, particularly during the Cultural Revolution. Victims were forced to admit various “crimes” before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until they confessed.

Jones has repeatedly apologised to the families of the victims but the Democratic Party’s extensive legal network has launched a series of defamation lawsuits strategically timed to coincide with the crucial US midterm elections.

Jones explained to Bannon, who knows the situation very well from lawsuits launched against him, how the Democrats use the legal system and their own judges against key political enemies. “They sue you and make you give them all of the discovery, then judges they control in key jurisdictions like DC, New York, areas of Connecticult and Austin Texas – literally rigged judges – default you so you can’t put on evidence, and only they can put on evidence.”

Jones went on to say the judge barred him from saying he was innocent, from saying his company was in bankruptcy, and from showing video clips of him telling Joe Rogan Sandy Hook happened five years before he was sued. He said the Democrat lawyers constantly smeared him by accusing him of stalking the Sandy Hook families.

Jones also told Bannon how a New York Times journalist deliberately lied about the current court case, claiming his lawyer told the court that Jones was “too damaged” to face the court and was the reason he left the court. The reporter Elizabeth Williamson was forced to apologise and posted it on Twitter. It was soon removed.

The same New York Times has also ignored mention of Jones’ new best-selling book The Great Reset and the War for the World. A publisher who appeared on the show said Jones’ book outsold every hard-cover non-fiction book in America in its first week of sales.

He said the book was still outselling most of the books on the New York Times Best Seller list, which he described as a fraud because it was actually a list of recommended books.

Another prominent “Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist”, James Fetzer PhD, is still fighting his defamation lawsuit. Fetzer continues to maintain the shooting was a false flag operation. A documentary on the shooting by independent journalists can be found on the website Truth Comes to Light.