Here we are on the eve of the Federal election and I’ve been blown away by the strong support our team has received all over Australia.

Pauline Hanson is standing candidates in every seat in Australia. Her policies will rejuvenate the ALP/LNP stagnation. She deserves support from struggling Australians.

To all of our candidates, volunteers, members and supporters: thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your efforts. It’s been an amazing campaign.

Our policies on housing, immigration, apprenticeships, cheaper PBS medicines, climate, tax reform and family law reform are enjoying a lot of support, with the Coalition happily adopting some of them itself on housing, medicine and apprenticeships.

We’ll address the housing crisis. We’ll reduce demand for housing by lowering immigration, and increase the supply of housing by banning foreign ownership of residential property like New Zealand and Canada.

We’ll demand reforms to ensure foreign-owned multinationals pay their fair share of tax. We’ve achieved some reforms in family law but we have more work to do to make the child support system fairer. We’ll continue to back a national apprenticeship scheme to drive the creation of a skilled Australian workforce, and we’ll revitalise TAFE colleges and re-open agricultural colleges. We’ll reduce the cost of PBS-listed medicines.

We’re demanding a Royal Commission into the management of the COVID-19 pandemic by all Australian governments, and we’re also going to push for a comprehensive inquiry into climate science to ensure that Australian climate policy is based on evidence instead of ideology and scaremongering, destroying our economy and many thousands of Australian jobs.

One Nation puts Australia and Australians first. This election is your opportunity to vote for a strong One Nation contingent in Parliament to fight for your rights and freedoms, and fight for a fair, free and prosperous Australian nation.

Senator Pauline Hanson