by Kev Moore

What separates Djokovic from other pro athletes on the COVID Mania issue is both his status as the world’s greatest and his consistency in speaking out against the COVID regime. Since day one, this man has been fighting the good fight, but the news hasn’t reached consistent international attention until now.

Great un-vaccinated sportsman Novak Djokovic says governments and media have created a two tiered society and won’t bow down to Australia’s Covid regime. He too needs a medal.

Djokovic has remained defiant in his public opposition to government force in the form of draconian COVID restrictions and injection mandates. He has done so in the face of incredible scrutiny on all levels.

As early as April 2020, several months before the mass distribution of COVID shots, Djokovic was already speaking out about the future prospect of vaccine mandates.

Now, with the Australian Open just days away, the 9-time grand slam champion (and 9 time Australian Open champion) has turned up the heat. He continues his fight Down Under, squaring off against the forces of a society that has transformed into something akin to a Police State.

On Tuesday, the most Australian Open champ ever made it a point to show that he wasn’t going to bow down to Australia’s COVID regime, which discriminates against the “un-vaccinated,” in creating a two-tiered Safety Society………………………#