The Labor Party last night lined up with the looney Greens to gut new funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

Labor Senators teamed up with the Australian Greens to cut $192.5 million of new funding for ARENA and disallow a regulation that expands the clean technology agency’s mandate to play a major role in driving the next generation of low-emissions technologies.

The funding included support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure and microgrid infrastructure to make energy affordable and reliable in regional and remote Australia.

It seems the greatest threat to refutable climate change hysteria is the united ALP/GREENS dismantle of their own agenda to score political points.   

ARENA welcomed the changes and calling it a “new era for ARENA” to be able to work with the next generation of energy technologies.

The Government’s approach has received wide industry support from over 28 businesses, peak bodies, and climate change groups including the Business Council of Australia, the AiGroup, the National Farmers Federation, ClimateWorks Australia and the Investor Group for Climate Change.

The loss of this funding will cost up to 1,400 new jobs in emerging industries and would have supported industries like mining, agriculture, transport, manufacturing and electricity, which employ over 2.2 million Australians.

Despite the Australian Labor Party platform explicitly supporting these technologies, every Senator in the Australian Labor Party room has now voted against them.

It has not only shown that Labor is economically reckless, but obviously their promises cannot be trusted.

There are only two ways to reduce emissions: through technology, or taxes. By abandoning investing in technology today, the loopy Greens and ALP has shown the 2.2. million Australians working in energy intensive industries that their solution to climate change is more taxes.