These poor fellows would have once simply been dismissed as gay or effeminate, but now they parade themselves as “non-binary” on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.


VICTORIA’S Madame Mao, aka Premier Jacinta Allen, and her gang of Socialist Left ideologues, are fine with primary school children being groomed by warped LGBTQ+ activists who tell the kids they should question their own biological makeup.

Victoria’s government also approves of these same children, sometimes without parental consent, being sent to a gender clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital for “treatment” with dangerous puberty blocking drugs or worse, surgical removal of sexual organs.

But this same crowd of morally bankrupt Maoists and neo-Stalinists are “outraged” when a bunch of immature boys at a private school draw up a list of girls ranked according to their desirability or otherwise.

This, according to commissar Allen and company is the “crime of misogyny” or even “sexual violence”. But don’t you dare suggest there’s anything wrong with confusing a child about their gender and then sending them off for courses of hormone drugs and surgery.

Victorian teachers are coerced into this diabolical attack on the minds of children, by government policy forbidding teachers to refer to “boys and girls” or even mothers and fathers. The official policy for Victorian schools is “to ensure schools support lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, questioning and asexual (LGBTIQA+) students”.

The government also demands that schools “take positive action to eliminate discrimination or harassment of students on the basis of their sex, gender or sexuality.” So how dare boys even think about girls, or vice versa.

Theoretically, in the brave new world of Victorian education, a boy could use the girls’ change room or toilet, if he/it/they/she identified as “lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, questioning and asexual”. After all, who are they to be questioned and discriminated against over “gender”?

The teens at Yarra Valley Grammar stupidly used the word “unrapeable” as one of their rankings in their list of girls. Apparently the ill-advised prank did not go down well with the girls and school staff. Other words used included “cutie” and “wifey”, hardly cause for offence, except in the eyes of the Victorian behaviour gestapo.

The school headmaster Dr Mark Merry suspended three of the offenders, but also contacted police in case the word “rapeable” constituted a threat offence. Perhaps Dr Merry could have dealt with it with some counselling and appropriate personal apologies. But then Comrade Jacinta’s regime became involved, and the stupid mainstream media willingly obliged in whipping up statewide outrage.

Allen and her femocrats call promoting gender confusion and sexual mutilation “progressive gender policy”, but teenage boys drawing up a list of girls with sexual references is “sexual violence” and “misogyny”. And let’s not forget, this happened at a private school, whose existence is somewhat tenuous under a neo-Marxist regime.

There’s also the current national hysteria being whipped up over “gendered violence”, which, according to an excellent commentary from Daily Insight, is code words for “men are bad”. The campaign is also promising tens of millions of dollars to keep social workers and related bureaucracies in jobs, while failing to mention that the worst “gendered violence” statistics are from Aboriginal communities where alcohol and drugs run rampant with unemployment.

The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) has pointed out that Victoria’s school policies such as the Mature Minors Policy, LGBTIQA+ Student Support and Doctors in Secondary Schools program, all facilitate children being referred to gender clinics, even without the knowledge of their parents.

The ACL says the waiting list at the Royal Children’s Hospital gender clinic in Melbourne is experiencing an unprecedented surge, with an increasing number of confused young boys and girls now seeing themselves a “non-binary”.

“Despite this concerning trend, Victorian teachers are being warned against calling students boys and girls, or referring to parents as mothers and fathers,” an ACL media statement says.

The ACL’s Victorian state director Jasmine Yuen, has been warning for years against the gender indoctrination happening at Victorian state schools. “The nationwide report revealing the extent of gender indoctrination at government schools reported in The Australian doesn’t come as a surprise,” she said.

“In fact, this has been occurring since the roll out of Safe School programs years ago when former Premier, Dan Andrews, made the program mandatory in all state secondary schools. Gender diversity and inclusivity are a big part of Victorian state schools both in primary and secondary – now pushed through the Respectful Relationships education which is part of the core component of the Victorian Curriculum.

“Combined with school policies such as the Mature Minors Policy, LGBTIQA+ Student Support and Doctors in Secondary Schools program, children are being referred to gender clinics, even without the knowledge of their parents.

“Victorians wondering why their children are struggling and doing poorly in their academic study need look no further than the ideologies and political activism which have been prioritized over the basics of education.

“Victorian parents are either in the dark about the widespread indoctrination at schools, or too busy to know what is happening at their kids’ schools. Some feel helpless to challenge the education system or the government. On their behalf, the ACL has launched a community education letterboxing campaign to raise awareness.

“For our children’s sake, we are committed to exposing ideologically driven programs and policies that are damaging their lives. The ACL calls on the Allan Government to have a round table discussion to work together to bring the basics of education back as priorities.”