By columnist Lyndesy Symonds

The Big Jew msmedia Honkers on the Networks have their CoVID Narrative Maintenance cut out for them with celebs like Bieber who are cancelling tours and gigs. Of course they are never going to feature the Pfizer Eye or the real twerks and sterks of this whole new twist to drugs, pop, rock and roll – post the 2020 global pandemic hoax.

For Football celebs who collapse mid game on livestream, they have already created new codes and terms to normalize the unthinkable for the braindead.

In football the CoVID Vaxx Heart Attack/Stroke is now being reported as the sudden “on the pitch illness” or sudden “on field illness”. It’s a sudden OPI or a sudden OFI.

So for Bieber I would say this is a sudden on pop illness: an OPI.

#Died Suddenly is covering it:

Now they classify cardiac arrest as an “on pitch illness”
“Our defender Sylla Moustapha died this evening after an illness on the pitch.

— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) March 7, 2023