A Nine News graphic (map) of Melbourne shows a so-called ring of steel literally imprisoning the city’s entire population during the recent lockdown. The key players in the appalling fascist operation are so-called health officers Brett Sutton and Jeroen Weimar (top) and chief of police Shane Patton.

WHY did Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton ignore a science and observation-based warning from a doctor that people in nursing homes with COVID-19 antibodies should not be vaccinated for COVID-19 because of the threat of serious vaccine reactions.

And why has CHO Brett Sutton been “excused” from appearing before a committee of the State Parliament by the Minister for Health Martin Foley? And given that parliament is a type of court that makes laws, does that mean Brett Sutton is above the law?

Victoria’s Health Minister Martin Foley, another player in the national COVID scam, “excused” Brett Sutton from scrutiny by a parliamentary committee.

Sutton certainly thinks his circle of mates at the National Health and Medical Research Council are more important than ordinary people in Victoria.

He flew off to an NHMRC awards event in Canberra recently by private jet because, he said “being there in person was important”. But for Victorians locked down and forbidden from seeing other family members, even for funerals, that’s not important. One might call Sutton all sorts of deserving bad names, but is it all just “another day, another game” in the global health cabal’s psyop against Australians?

Sutton is part of an organisation called the Senior Executive Service that considers itself somewhat above the law or at least normal government scrutiny. Given what we know about the SES from US and UK sources, Sutton might even have excused himself and then ordered the Health Minister to make the announcement as if it came from him. Which ever way it went, excusing a senior bureaucrat from scrutiny by a parliamentary committee smells like high level corruption.

A whistleblower story reported by the UK Column in April confirmed the horrible truth that people like Sutton and the other CHOs and health ministers and premiers across Australia aren’t actually acting in accordance with practical medical advice from front-line doctors like Dr Hobart, but they are acting out of a script written by powers above them. This chain of command appears to run through the major departments.

In a letter to Sutton dated May 4th, North Sunshine doctor Mark Hobart stated emphatically that nursing home patients must not be vaccinated before they have COVID antibody tests because research has shown people with COVID antibodies can suffer serious reactions from mRNA vaccines. Sutton was asked by Dr Hobart to respond by May 7th, but ignored the letter without comment, forcing the doctor to go public with it.

“This urgent recommendation is based on my unique and extensive experience as a GP treating Covid-19 positive patients in Nursing Homes in Melbourne and is also supported by the latest literature,” Dr Hobart wrote. “My urgent recommendation is also supported by some leading Australian and international immunologists and specialists.

“This trial found that if you vaccinate people who have previously had Covid-19 illness there is up to 112% increase of requiring hospitalisation due to severe adverse reactions. This was especially so with the AZ (AstraZeneca) vaccine compared with Pfizer which was less risky in this study.”
Last September Dr Hobart went public on the issue of so-called “positive COVID cases” among his elderly patients, none of whom showed symptoms of infection but were kept in isolation to their physical and mental detriment.

He also said the government’s death numbers included death from or with coronavirus and from his experience in the nursing home, the numbers dying with coronavirus would greatly exceed those dying from coronavirus. But neither Sutton, his deputy Jeroen Weimar nor Minister Foley, take advice from a mere doctor on how to save the lives of vulnerable nursing home patients, because the former two represent the SES, whose members mostly pretend to have a duty of care to the public.

Sutton and other CHOs from the SES all demonstrated their treachery, abandonment of principle and flagrant violation of law during the worst stages of the COVID-19 spread in Victoria and other states, when potentially life-saving anti-COVID drugs were not only ignored, but banned as in the case of hydroxychloroquine. The federal health bureaucracy also blatantly lies that Ivermectin has insufficient research to back it up as a COVID treatment.

Apart from research cited by the noted Australian professor Thomas Borody, who published an Ivermectin-based treatment protocol for COVID last August, the US-based group Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance published a 30-page review of Ivermectin research in January. “Our current review includes a total of 6,612 patients from 27 controlled studies [16 of them were RCTs, 5 double blinded, one single blinded, (n= 2,503)]; 11 published in peer-reviewed journals including 3,900 patients,” the group reported.

But for Sutton and his SES friends in Canberra, ignoring this sort of scientific evidence is all part of his game of being a political agent of the global health mafia’s attack on Australia’s people and economy. It is also a “family matter” for him.

As we previously reported, Sutton’s sister-in-law Jane Halton is another SES “super-bureaucrat” – a serial achiever who worked in the federal arena and was awarded the Public Service Medal in 2002 and the Centenary Medal in 2003. She was subsequently rewarded with top jobs at the WHO around 2007.

Incidentally, speaking of rewards, Queensland SES bureaucrat and chief health officer Jeanette Young was recently announced to become the state’s new Governor General, an absolute insult to the office that is supposed to uphold constitutional rule of law in the state.

Halton went on to win the Geneva Health Prize in 2013 and in 2016 became one of a small number of international members elected to the National Academy of Medicine in the United States, putting her firmly in the orbit of the global health elite including “The Don” Dr Anthony Fauci, whose picture graces the front page of the NAM website. Dare they take it down?

Halton is also the current chairwoman of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation), the Gates Foundation-funded body that pushes vaccines globally and promotes “innovative epidemic preparedness”. Does this include locking down entire states to demonstrate the emerging new global corporate fascist order as advocated by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation’s notorious Lock Step scenario as presented in a major 2010 report?

Halton is on video mouthing off at Event 201, helping plan the plandemic response, with all the important people of the global health mafia. Their plan, essentially, was to “flood the zone” with their propaganda message that “the only way” to control the deadly “bat virus” was with “the vaccine”. Health professionals worldwide are now waking up to this big lie.
The video is instructive of the criminal deception employed by this global collection

Gates meanwhile, also pours money into Sutton’s health network in Victoria, most notably the Burnett Institute. Play the right global games and you’ll get all the global goodies, right Brett? And health? Oh that’s just a label they put on big pharma’s vaccine business and the neo-Nazi lunacy of Gates-Rockefeller eugenics and population control.

If there were a shred of credibility around the “COVID-crisis” carry-on we see being played out in Australian states 18 months after the initial emergence of the big scary virus, health authorities would have seized upon any medicine with any reasonable prospects of treating or curing COVID-19 infections.

Sutton has a very bad record in regard to nursing homes. Before the pandemic he lied to the Melbourne media that a patient at a nursing home died after eating a sandwich produced by the iCook Foods at Dandenong. The lie enabled Greater Dandenong Council to shut the factory down and impose more than 90 fines totalling $11.5 million that they would have corruptly taken in as revenue under Victorian law. It’s no surprise that iCook Foods is suing the government for $60 million.