Letter to the Editor

The Hegelian PsyOps will never end due to the deliberate retardation of the population, the Epsilon agenda rolls on. Don’t expect anyone to wake up the Mandala effect (mass MK) has been ongoing since 1940s using divination trance subliminals (spellbinding) imbedded in tv programs…, followed by CERN and the spiders web entrapment, social (control) media subliminals and social engineering, finishing with COVID-19 vaccine nano tec 5G and CERN divination and Quantum mind control.

Tavistock Institute in London where mind conditioning started in the 1940’s and the origin of the MK Ultra program that featured in the film, The Manchurian Candidate, first released in 1962 based on a book by Richard Condon 1959


The retarded masses (brain dead, asleep) will choose delusion and comfort over freedom. The last century is proof of this. Our society has denigrated to the point that it eats its young and leaves its elders to starve to death…and people are too busy looking at their black boxes to notice.
Good luck to the masters mandating anything in the rural (bad lands) of Qld. I wonder which countries military will be policing Australians in the near future, U.S. or China?

from G Train, NSW