Seventeen school teachers fled violent assaults fearing for their lives at Aurukun State School by the end of term one this year. Only six teachers remained.

Ten security guards hired by Queensland Labor were unable to guarantee their protection.

Education Minister Diane farmer is enticing new teachers by offering $9000 on landing at the airport, $5000 per completed term and $150 a day danger money on top of their salary to teach at the school.

Aurukun is the most violent Aboriginal community in the state because five different, warring tribes were lumped together decades ago to form a township on the edge of the Gulf of Carpentaria, 700 klms north west of Cairns.

Bundy rum can fetch $500 a bottle in the dry community brought in by sly grog runners who face enormous fines and jail if caught.

Teachers have called on Qld Labor to shut the violence-stricken school, amid daily shut-downs due to assaults from machete and knife-wielding students or parents.

School board member Kerri Tamwoy has been lobbying the Department for months to get a full-time trauma counsellor at the school.

Teachers, police and other permanent government employees live in a barbed wire compound similar to those found in strife-torn Johannesburg in South Africa.

On a regular basis homes are burnt down in family disputes only to be replaced by unfazed Labor at an average cost of $700,000 each.

High-tech security measures are deployed at the school and accommodation compound ranging from high wire fences, CCTV, security alarm systems, panic buttons and security patrols.

School attendance is often low because most parents do not care if kids attend or not and kids have such low esteem that going to school becomes quite irrelevant.

Labor has thrown every known resource at the community, such as mental health, psychologists, social workers, guidance officers and youth workers in an attempt to create some unity between the family factions, but as one female elder told Cairns News six or seven years ago:

“The bloody place should be shut down because there will never be any peace between these families.”