by Lyndsey Symonds

The Central Banking Cartel and its ownership of both ZOG East and ZOG West has been visible for some time. Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former (non-executive) director of the South Africa’s Reserve Bank wrote two books about it published 2014. As one might expect he met with a series of unfortunate events.

These books are essential texts for the new millenium and all home schools:
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind and
Inside the South African Reserve Bank

The banks of the BIS Cartel are visible on the Moscow skyline. Rockefeller has owned Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution. Have a look at Astana.

The Cold War was just another psy-op like ‘the death of communism’, the collapse of the USSR and 9-11. Read : The Perestroika Deception.

The Soviet / Sino Axis is building Eurasia. This is the real NWO – of the universal soviet. Dugin’s Fourth Political Position finds expression in the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals – signed off by all the corporates owned by the BIS cartel and run by Marxist agents impersonating governments throughout the Western world. It is the entire Revolutionary Network and corporate sistema that is the key to understanding this.

‘The Globalists’ are the Black Hat decoy of the Protocols of Zion 5.11. They are the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum of Operation Corona and multi-lateral partners with the UN. The best website that is tracking this is

Their contributor Andy Sloan of St. Michael’s Sword (his Twitter) are getting the work of Aleksandr Dugin translated from the Russian. But more importantly, they understand it.