Steve Kirsch, a US tech entrepreneur and political activist, helped Barry Young with the leaked NZ vaccine data.


WHILE high-quality data leaked the New Zealand Ministry of Health by a whistleblower indicates some 10,000 deaths occurring within close proximity of mRNA shots being given, the same Ministry spouts the brazen lie that there were only four such deaths linked to the vaccine.

The data was leaked by Ministry database manager Barry Young, who was charged in court on Monday with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes. He was later released on bail. Young’s “dishonesty” charge is a supreme irony.

As explained by Young on Infowars this week, if you were someone working on a building site and a machine or scaffolding was causing fatal accidents, you would alert your boss. “In any other circumstance your boss would say alright, let’s fix it … What you wouldn’t expect your boss to do is suspend you immediately and arrest you and tell everyone else to go back to work and ignore the pile of corpses.” This is almost exactly what happened to Young.

Young said eight armed cops busted his door down and trashed his home on Sunday just as he was coming up the driveway. They swarmed his car, threatening to break the windows and then pulled him out, putting him in handcuffs. “I’ve never experienced anything like it. It was like the Gestapo, honestly, It was awful, not a nice experience,” he said.

Vaccine safety campaigner Steve Kirsch told Alex Jones there was not one epidemiologist in the world who has looked at the data and said “well this is a safe vaccine”. “Not a single one disputes it,” he said. “Not a single one has posted an analysis saying this is consistent with a safe vaccine.”

Young and New Zealand journalist Liz Gunn appeared on Infowars during the week to tell the story, which is now international news, despite desperate attempts by the NZ Ministry of Health to pull the data offline and lie about its contents.

Young, who surrendered himself to police on December 3, told Kirsch on Infowars that he and Gunn unsuccessfully tried to alert the Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters to their deep concerns about the data before Sunday, when Gunn went into hiding. Young was offered a safe house but declined.

Peters, however, most likely is limited in what he can do because of the delicate politics of the three-party coalition now governing in New Zealand. The local media, which is still receiving millions of dollars from a bribery fund set up by the previous Ardern Labor government, will scream blue murder if the new government shows any sympathy towards the whistleblower.

New Zealand’s new Health Minister Shane Reti toed “the party” line when questioned by the media, saying he was “very concerned” about the data leak and suggestions that might undermine “public confidence” in vaccines.

But New Zealanders and people worldwide who know very well that certain mRNA vaccine batches are killers will not buy this brazen criminal cover-up by the MOH. As Cairns News recently reported, even young, fit Kiwi rugby players have died on the field from the myocarditis induced by the shots.

Commenting on the Young case, Alex Jones drew attention to another vaccine whistleblower case – a US Navy medical officer who has released data showing an alarming rise in myocarditis cases among military personnel following vaccinations. The data, which reveals a 972% increase in heart failure among personnel, has been passed on to US Congressman Matt Gaetz and Senator Ron Johnson.

Try as these bureaucrats may, the dam is being breached and information is breaking out across the globe. “You can lock me away, but you can’t hide the truth. You can’t lock away the truth, it will always come out,” Young said told Jones.

Young’s ability to work with data is unquestioned, as he was employed with a high-level security rating in data administration by Swiss and New Zealand banks before taking on his latest job with the Ministry of Health.

Jones said data confirming the New Zealand data was showing up from insurance companies and other governments. He said the Philippines, Japan and several Latin American nations were running investigations.