by John Lecrone

This will be one of my more controversial posts.  Can a hawk become a dove?  This is a relevant question and one that needs answered.  This is especially true for me as i have some friends that think i am simply too much of a pacifist. So let us talk about what I mean when i say things like “We are running out of time to change things peacefully”.

Veteran John Lecrone warns we can’t win a shooting war against the deep state. He says we have to get smarter in the fight and that returning veterans should not be classed as domestic terrorists

As most of my friends know I have a military history.  I was reading books on soldiers and war by the age of 5.  By the age of 12 I was a war historian with full knowledge of most of the wars America had been a party to.  Also i took 4 of my fully functional  guns to class around the age of 12 to give a speech.  My mom dropped them off at the principles office for me.  I picked them up, gave my speech and dropped them back off at the principles office again and my mother picked them back up a little later.   School shootings whether real or false flags were non existent back then.

In the parking lot many of the young people and teachers had guns and ammunition in their cars for hunting either before or after school.  In shop class students made stocks for their guns.  Many schools had shooting clubs and the NRA gave safety classes to students who wanted to learn gun safety.  If that were to happen today several adults would be in jail and the student would be expelled for life and labelled a problem.

Probably 1/4th of my personal library is based on military history and that is thousands of books.  In addition to that if you had asked me “What will you do when you get out of school?” at any time in my life after the age of 5 you would have gotten this same answer “Join the army.”  I followed my plan and turned 18 while in basic training at Fort Benning Georgia.

To say I am a hawk is an understatement.  I will protect myself   from any threat to my life or that of people that are doing no harm.  I spent years training in the fine art of killing people and some of that was training others to include West Point cadets to do the same.

Do you realize that returning veterans are classified as “domestic terrorists” by some agents of the crime syndicate?  Do you think it is because we were exposed to the Muslim religion during our most recent wars?  It is my hope that you fine people are not that naive.

No.  It is because we have been well trained and are capable of training others.  This is the entire basis of the special forces with special emphasis on the green berets.  Their job is to train people with no military background the art of warfare.  Those of us who have been trained and have seen combat know how to train others.  This of course threatens the system and it’s agents and the criminal puppeteers running the show.

We have the right to change this system to one where people are not slaves and actual crimes with harmed parties are the only thing people go to jail for.  But that day is still not here by any stretch of the imagination.  Let me explain why.

To begin with this should be obvious.  There are too many statists worshiping at the altar of “government” (mind control).  The vaccines and flouride in the water are doing their job as is the propaganda coming from the talking heads masquerading as “news reporters”.  They either walk the line and get paid extra to lie to us or they get fired.   Note there is not much in the way of changeover in “news anchors”.  On that note do you see the maritime admiralty fraud term there people?  How many times have I told you words have meanings?  What does an anchor do?  It holds a ship in place.  Can’t have the slaves thinking for themselves can we?  Past propaganda ministers would be so proud.

Anyway back to the reason for this article.  To win a war requires resources most people do not have.  This is the reason American’s lost the revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and the third “civil” war of Northern aggression.  Yes I know what the propaganda ministers told you.  Read the peace treaty of 1783 people!  It is easy enough to find with a google search or even on my timeline.  I am not going to waste time rehashing things I have already talked extensively about.  If you want to believe the lies, that is on you.  Peace treaties are public record and contract.

How many times have i told you all wars are bankers wars?  Their brilliant divide and conquer strategy has been working so well for so many centuries the crime syndicate will never change to a different formula.  The people will continue to fall for it until they stop consenting to it.

I have also told you that war is commerce and commerce is war.  This is not the way things should be.  Everyone should be “winners” when it comes to business dealings.  Start doing more business with mom and pop stores and reject the corporate behemoths.  Management of massive corporations and their employees and stock holders do not like competition.  The game of monopoly is being played planet wide.

Yes I know I keep getting side tracked and need to get back on point.  The agents of the crime syndicate are doing their very best to start wars.  They need a mass kill off of several billion people to strengthen their precariously weak position.  They will hide out in their bunkers eating food and watching tv as we murder ourselves in an effort to survive the hell they created for us.  I have no interest in seeing America turned into the same hell holes we have created in other countries under the guise of “Protecting America from terrorists”.  I am so sick of the bovine waste.

Do you want your war?  Make it a war of philosophy where love, logic and reason rule.  Why do you think the crime syndicate censors us now?  Because we are winning the war of ideas!  People are starting to wake up to the nature of the system.

When I say “Do no harm” that does not mean roll over and lick boots.  You people know me!  What do i do?  I get in the crime syndicates agents faces and call them out on their crimes.  They know how to react to violence all too well.  They do not know how to respond to truth and claims of harm by men and women that are filed under the pains and penalties of perjury.

Each of you needs to comprehend that these kangaroo courts are battlefields for “civilized” people.  The first one to leave the field of battle loses.  Do you not realize the old statement “The pen is mightier than the sword.” is true?  I have done massive amounts of damage to the system and it’s agents and without ever being violent.

To win a war requires strategy.  Each of us has been in this war our entire life.  Some of us have finally woken up to that fact and are fighting back.  Read the book “The art of war”.  Fighting plays such a tiny part in that book!  Battles and wars are won or lost long before the first shot get’s fired.

To my patriot friends, you don’t have enough allies in uniform or on main street.  You will lose for that reason alone.  Continue to educate.  At least 10% of the population must be fully awake to all of the scam before you have any hope of winning.  We are nowhere close to that number.

People do not like change and they fear anything that challenges their “reality”.  To make matters worse far too many of them love their chains of slavery.  On top of that America will have massive amounts of foreign troops to quell the revolution.  These contracts with other countries have been in place for years.  Thus even if everyone is America was on our side we would still be fighting against hundreds of millions of people imported by the crime syndicate.  These are not good odds.

No the correct answer is an educated public who is awake to the scam and ready to hold the criminals accountable.  Look up the battle of Athens Tennessee to get an idea.  Note it was the returning veterans that changed the course of that community for at least a little while.  Thus those of us who are veterans are considered to be “domestic terrorists”.

Remember that the criminal banker Franklin Delano Roosevelt modified the “trading with the enemy act” of 1917 to make us the enemy of the UNITED STATES corporation.  This is true as that was a coup against what little bit of sovereignty the states and the people had left.  This is why the shire of reeve (sheriff) and the policy enforcement agents (police aka policy) are privateers with no loyalty to the people.

You want to make a change so the people we love do not stay in slavery?  Start by sharing this post.  I promise you the syndicate will be blocking it from going very far.  Only each of you can make it go viral.  At least then someone might read it and learn something.

Anarchy means no masters, no slaves.  It does not mean chaos which is what our society is right now.  People must have their minds changed before we can make a larger change in our society and do it peacefully.  By peacefully I mean with minimal bloodshed and destruction of property and the environment.  Stop consenting to the tyranny and amazing things will happen.  I have been teaching you how.  The rest will come if we work hard enough.