Dr John Piesse has been targeted by corporate-government health bureaucrats (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) because he willingly provides exemptions for infant vaccinations.

AUSTRALIA’S deep state is meeting serious resistance from people hungry to see justice for children injured, maimed and killed by vaccines.

They are rallying behind Melbourne integrative GP Dr John Piesse, who is being targeted by corporate-government health bureaucrats because he willingly provides exemptions for infant vaccinations. Dr Piesse was advised by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) on August 24 that it was proposing to suspend his medical registration. He was given four days to provide a written response in his defence.

Meanwhile Aussies in the know about the government and big pharma-protected vaccine racket leapt to Dr Piesse’s defence, raising more than $60,000 in just three days for his legal costs.

AHPRA is a quasi-government agency that takes directives from health ministers and whose members include bankers, health bureaucrats, lawyers, academics and others from the politically-correct elite of Australia’s urban professional and corporate classes.

But across the nation down-to-earth supporters of Dr Piesse were pouring donations into a drive to raise $100,000 for legal costs to defend his medical licence.

Other doctors won’t even provide exemptions when a child suffers a serious adverse reaction to a vaccine but Dr Piesse is willing to do so because he is honest and ethical enough to admit that he’s seen serious adverse reactions to vaccines among his patients.

The Melbourne Age reported that Dr Piesse and his naturopath colleague Nerida James attended a screening of “the controversial anti-vaccination film” Vaxxed in Hawthorn in August “where he told participants there were ways in which parents could get vaccination exemptions and he knew of other doctors who were providing them”.

“There are a few who are doing it as well, but they will get attacked as well,” The Age reported him as saying.

The several other Melbourne doctors are also reportedly challenging the medical system that is enforcing vaccines and callously ignoring the pleas of parents who have seen their children convulse, go cross-eyed, lose developmental progress or even die after post-vaccination adverse events.

A WA mother posted on Facebook recently that her son suffered a “proven anaphylactic attack” after his shots.

Two GPs and a vaccination clinic insisted the child should get his next shots under supervision so he “could be resuscitated in case he had another adverse event”.

Would it not be seriously negligent to offer medical treatment twice to an infant after the first treatment caused him potentially fatal breathing difficulties?

Trip up in a factory workshop these days and there will be a Workplace Health and Safety investigation and action plan put in place to stop it happening again.

Or if a naturopath was to sell a supplement that made anyone slightly sick, it would be national news the next day, with a SWAT team shutting that business down.

That’s essentially what happened to the late Jim Selim and his Pan Pharmaceuticals company, when a product called Travcalm made several people sick.

But in Australia’s corporate-fascist medical regime with vaccines frequently causing neurological injuries (e.g. autism) and even deaths of children and teens, it’s a different story.

Dr Piesse’s supporters say he is in fact not anti-vaccine, but rather “pro safe vaccines”.

On the gofundme.com web page a supporter of Dr Piesse wrote: “Please support his right to freedom of speech, and our right to question the 36 or more vaccines a newborn receives before he or she is 6 months old.” The supporter described Dr Piesse as “a doctor of the people”. “He doesn’t drive a Merc. He doesn’t take expensive skiing holidays. In fact, he has very little.
 “He’s also a busy doctor. He spends all of his time helping patients.

“In fact, it can take months on a waiting list, just to see him for the first time. “Dr Piesse is also a doctor who’s currently under investigation.

“Why? He supports the families of vaccine-injured children.

“It’s a compassionate thing to do, but certainly not a lucrative one. “It means he needs about $50,000 to defend himself, and retain his registration, in the short term.

“If the matter is taken further, the figure might be $100,000, or even $200,000. He doesn’t have that kind of money – not even close. He also needs money to afford to live, and support his family. “He is completely blown away by the massive support for this fundraiser, and has already been inundated with people offering messages of support. Please join them.”
 Supporters stressed that the fundraiser was not created by Dr Piesse or his Natural Healing Centre in Mitcham, Melbourne.

“It was 100% established by patients and supporters – exactly the kind of people who desperately come to Dr Piesse for support.” Donations to Dr Piesse cand be made and tracked at www.gofundme.com/istandwithdrpiesse.
