West Australian iron ore mining magnate Twiggy Forrest has promised Ukraine a “golden era of prosperity” by funding a green hydrogen energy industry to rebuild the devastated country. He says he has been working with Blackrock to finance the deal. Twiggy has lost his senses. The country is virtually depopulated after millions of residents fled when Russian troops started pouring in 12 months ago.

Twiggy Forrest should get some accurate advice about the Ukrainian war.

He must be speaking to the corrupt President Volodymyr Zelensky who today is putting the squeeze on Germany for more money. Yesterday the bent president visited the Pope and the hated French President Macron hitting them up for more donations to his benevolent fund which he will need when the country falls to the Russians expected in the next few months.

Zelensky is jetsetting the globe while his beleaguered troops suffer terrible conditions and continuous bombardments on what is left of the front line in Kharkov.

Already we have had numerous reports of the Ukranian military wanting to get their hands on Zelensky for not surrendering to Russia’s massive onslaught as reported by our war correspondent Colonel Yuri Komonisky who reports the Ukranian troops are losing unsustainable numbers at a rate of 100 to one Russian.

Twiggy is oblivious to Zelensky’s war reparations of repaying EU NATO countries and the US by excising vast tracts of Ukraine and handing them over in exchange for military equipment and armies. Land which he does not own.

Keep your money Twiggy invest in Australia by supporting Project Iron Boomerang and a few steel mills that can actually manufacture extrusions and cars making Australia prosper again.

Divorce yourself from the devious World Economic Forum and the UN and let charity begin at home.

Give us some viable return from flogging millions of tonnes of non-renewable iron ore to the Chinese.