Government is actively trying to approve a new way of vaccinating you: by air! Gene Regulator denies aerial application below:

First Published by Cairns News February 2016

February 8, 2016 TruthOpener

Chemtrails created by aircraft over Australian skies releasing sunlight deflecting aluminium and barium sulphate, highly dangerous to human health

Don’t wan’t to be vaccinated? well soon you may not have a choice as our loving Governments will just spray and vaccinate us through breathing the air. Australia is actively trying to approve a new way of vaccinating It’s people: by air! The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is looking at a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the Australian environment.

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000.

PaxVax is looking to get approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems. How can we know what’s really going on here, what’s being sprayed on us & how it will affect the natural environment?

The Australian government along with their big Pharma buddies are looking to vaccinate every person living in Australia, no exceptions. There are large pockets throughout the country where people simply will not vaccinate and the numbers are growing so this represents a great way to silently vaccinate these communities right down to an individual level, no needles and no fuss but most importantly, no choice. Aerial vaccines have been used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus that is poisonous to humans yet distributed to wildlife in the masses.

Editor: The above article was received from a formerly reputable source, however claims of aerial application of a vaccine have been denied by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. Below is their reply about aerial vaccines:

From a spokeswoman for the Gene Technology Regulator:

 The Gene Technology Regulator did receive an application from PaxVax for a clinical trial of a live GM vaccine against cholera.

 After a conducting a comprehensive risk assessment and undertaking public consultation, the DIR 126 licence was issued to PaxVax in April 2014. The licence authorises a single oral dose of the vaccine to be given to a limited number of volunteers by registered health professionals in clinical facilities, between 10 April 2014 and 30 June 2015.

 The clinical trial was also subject to Therapeutic Goods Administration requirements.

 Claims about aerial spraying of the vaccine are false. Aerial spraying of this vaccine was never part of this trial.

 Please also note that this GM vaccine was previously registered for commercial sale (under the trade name Orochol®) in several countries, including Australia, with over 500,000 doses sold worldwide. Vaccine production was ceased in 2004 for business reasons.  PaxVax subsequently acquired rights to this vaccine and conducted clinical trials to confirm the safety and efficacy of the newly manufactured product.

 Additional information regarding this licence and the assessment is available on OGTR website at [

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