Letter to the Editor

“1923 0r 2023… Not much has changed, the scripts are merely updated as the globalist project rolls on.” Nothing has changed indeed. History Just repeats itself over and over AGAIN!

100 years ago during the Weimar republic a place where the topography of the soul sickness that had now taken possession of the once proud city of Berlin can NOW TODAY clearly be seen in the swamps of ill guided Western depravity.

From a Darkmoon article from 2013: the-sexual-decadence-of-weimar-germany/

Luigi Barzini, in his social memoir The Europeans, describes the saturnalian scene in the Tingel- Tangels or sleazy bordellos of sex-crazed Berlin in the 1920s, the Golden Age of the Jews: “I saw pimps offering anything to anybody: little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women, animals. The story went the rounds that a male goose whose neck you cut at just the right ecstatic moment would give you the most delicious frisson of all—as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, necrophilia and sadism at one stroke. Gastronomy too, as one could eat the goose afterwards”. [18]

In October 1923, when one US dollar could buy 4.2 billion marks and six wheelbarrows of banknotes could barely buy a loaf of bread, it was said that “the most exquisite blow job to be had in Berlin never cost an American tourist more than 30 cents.” [19]

“Berlin nightlife, my word, the world hasn’t seen anything like it!” Klaus Mann, son of the great German author Thomas Mann, enthused sardonically. “We used to have a first-class army. Now we have first class perversions.” [20]

German author Erich Kästner, writing of Weimar Berlin, was to reflect on the topography of the soul sickness that had now taken possession of the once proud city: “In the east there is crime; in the center the con men hold sway; in the north resides misery, in the west lechery; and everywhere—the decline.” [21]

German Jewish author Stephan Zweig has much to say about homosexuality, pointing out that even in Ancient Rome – where fourteen of the first fifteen Roman emperors were homosexual – the degree of drunken depravity and public shamelessness was far less shocking than in Weimar Berlin: Bars, amusement parks, honky-tonks sprang up like mushrooms.

Along the entire Kurfürstendamm powdered and rouged men sauntered and they were not all professionals; every high school boy wanted to earn some money and in the dimly lit bars one might see government officials and men of the world of finance tenderly courting drunken sailors without any shame.

Even the Rome of Suetonius had never known such orgies as the pervert balls of Berlin, where hundreds of men costumed as women and hundreds of women as men danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. In the collapse of all values a kind of madness gained hold. Young girls bragged proudly of their perversion; to be sixteen and still under suspicion of virginity would have been a disgrace.” [22]


From Jo
