Letter to the Editor

In the last century, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia. In the XXI century, the US will buy the entire Siberia, including the Siberian territory between the Yenisei river to the West and the Pacific Ocean in the East and the border of China, between the Arctic Ocean in the North and Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are two times higher than the territory of the United States. Acre of land will be purchased for as low as $1,000, and for the entire Siberia, the US will pay $3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will be $200 million, half of which will be spent on the purchase of goods in the United States. Siberians would have to submit to foreign influence, while the US looks nicer than the Asian neighbors. In the end, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow …

But money is most important. Money does everything. Money are power. Money are force. Man with money has weapons, most advanced weapons, and the army of mercenaries. Money owns media, which is fooling the billions of human cattle. Money bribe the people we need. Money eliminate those who do not submit to us. Money bomb those resisting us – Iraqis, Serbs, and, in the future – Russians.

Capital and taking power decide everything. We practice our skills in the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one will defeat us in this. You [cattle] do not have money. You [cattle] do not have power. And you [cattle] will not ever have money and power. We will not give money and power to you!

We will not allow any nationalism to evolve. And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate …

Instead, we will insure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, and, more precisely: Jewish fascism, which, in its secrecy and power, is super-fascism. It is not for nothing that in 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most blatant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but repealed this resolution in 1992, because of our triumphant march across the planet. We have made UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over all kingdoms and nations.

We will work to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries would contain as little as possible of the indigenous peoples who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

As for the history, there is nothing to say. We will give our own history to the cattle, and show that the entire human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God’s chosen nation of Jews to be masters over the entire world.

We will create the conditions for life for criminals better than for working cattle. We will be releasing criminals from prisons, so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers — in short, all but those convicted for “inciting ethnic hatred”, which is, in fact, the law against antisemitism. We will sow fear among people. Cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worth nothing. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away at any moment. They will fear for the future of their … We shall govern by fear.

from Jo
