by columnist Lyndesy Symonds

In the Official Conspiracy Theory of the Tara Siege, the Trains are being demonized as ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘sovereign citizens’, gun nutters, bushies, CoVID Correctness resisters, anti-vaxxers, preppers, hard trainers and severe disciplinarians (bordering on abuse) of dogs and school children. I am waiting for the revelation that they also tortured small animals. Is there anything we can add to this picture of the population here being identified for demonisation and pending legislation.

Despite three sacrificial lambs and good guys in this burgeoning story, the Australian people have seen police CoVID enforcement in action. No matter how bad the Trains are made to look in the Official Conspiracy Theory, the police are never going to get back respect and compliance from the public that was once widespread. Too many people are becoming aware of the CoVID Regime in Australia.

Meanwhile the Official CoVID narrative and correctness continues to circle the drain. Nothing conceals the fact that the United [Communist] Nations CoVID Regime (all tiers of government) is running a depopulation operation with a bioweapon. Nothing conceals the fact that this is being enforced by police and mandated by the government / corporate sectors. The deaths of young police constables who may have even had idealistic ideas about what the police once stood for in terms of honourable service will not be able to redeem the Official Narrative.

And there is nothing in the Official Conspiracy Theory of the Tara Siege which has ruled out the involvement of Darker Forces than just the Qld. Police and ‘off gridders’ – an involvement that (being a conspiracy theorist) I strongly suspect.

Why would four officers be going out to a routine missing persons inquiry on a remote property inhabited by persons that no one knows anything about anyway? Look at Black / Diversity entitlement to crime in Qld. Through the roof stats. Your car is jacked, you are robbed in broad daylight. Good luck with getting the police to attend.