by Peter Gargan

On November 26, 2022 Dr Charlie Ward announced on his bitchute video that on the 23rd November 2022 the Solicitor representing the United States of America entered a document in the Supreme Court of the United States declining to contest the Writ of Certiorari ( pronounced Sir Cher Rare Eye) sought from that Court. Phil Godlewski made the video cited below and in it gives an insight into the United States legal system, and the revolution happening in that country that affects the entire world. Shari Raye confirmed it today from her sources.

Dr Charlie Ward has for two years been telling us there is going to be a new Gold Backed Currency worldwide, and with it widespread and systematic reforms of all aspects of our society here in Australia as well as elsewhere.

Watch both to the end. The corruption here in Australia is at least as great as in the United States of America. We could be even worse. The Australian Government registered in the United States of America as a business corporation is probably going to be wound up together with every State Government. In 1687 the British Army refused to fight for King James II. In 1688 they invited William and Mary from Holland to assume the British Throne. They were required to take the Statute 1 Will and Mary C 6 (Coronation Oath ) (1688) as has every Monarch since. The people in the United States of America on the Supreme Court of the United States docket have breached their Oath to the United States. Governments since 1900 in Australia while swearing allegiance to the Sovereign, have not accepted that their oath is to the Constitution not the Sovereign, and the Sovereign must abide the Constitution contained in the Statute 1 Will and Mary C 6 (Coronation Oath ) (1688).

The Chinese Communist Party was behind the 2020 and 2022 election fraud in the United States of America. It had ambitions on the continent of Australia. While the United States of America was our ally it could not take us, so it set out to subvert the United States of America. It has done the same in Australia. We are probably going to have our military ally itself with the United States

Charlie Ward

Shari Raye