Letter to the Editor

The real source of the stench – if it could be anymore obvious, will still be constantly overlooked because humanity hates truth as much as patriotism or loyalty unless it can be used for self centered power and most of all is profitable.

“It is not Communists that run Communism. There is yet another controlling power behind Communism. Communism and socialism are just arms of the more devilish conspiracy working behind the public eye that is not being run from Moscow or Peking, but from New York, Paris and London.”

Unfortunately for Aussies it will never be clear who is the rightful owner of the land of OZ and their subject sheep, as the mighty motherland and evil kingdom was conquered by the “wicked witch” long before it colonialised much of the globe and while installing “common wealth – for dummies” from within.

The USA and the civil war for “independence” created a huge opportunity for the “wicked witch” to install her own “communist” team members in future positions of power and coin – during the staged but bloody turmoil. As the whole world witnessed how “red jackets aka useful idiots and traditionally blind folded British patriots” retreated and “America” was born “independent & free”, reality was/is that the breakaway new colony was exactly controlled from within, same as the old one. Though a change in colors appeared on the global stage – from red to blue. The coin was flipped to the other side – still being the same coin, but with a different side facing up.

As it seems time has arrived for another flipping of the coin aka political hologram that the global subject stooges will accept easily by external programming – with all human hopes and desires attached “naturally” while the hidden hand reshuffles the “house of global cards” without the loss of any control.

from Jo
