from Kev Moore

Objectives met, negotiations next

In Kherson City in southern Ukraine, it is being reported that the Russians are evacuating to the east side of the Dnieper River and will use the river as its new border. Kherson City itself is situated on the west side of the river, so the city is being evacuated after first removing Russian monuments and statues that have stood there for centuries.

Most are reporting this as a “tough decision” that is based on setting up defensible positions. Benjamin Fulford, however, wrote in his report on November 7,

“Russian Tass News Agency reports, for their part, confirm a secret deal negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the WDS [White Dragon Society, represented by Fulford] is being put into motion. The deal is to return to an agreement between Frederick the Great and the Russian Tsar to use the Dnieper river as the border between their respective zones of interest.”

If Fulford is correct, then it appears that a peace deal is being made behind the scenes and that Ukraine will not lose all of its territory. The fact that the US government is now urging Ukraine to engage in peace talks with Russia seems to support Fulford’s report.

The US has achieved its goal of shifting Europe from dependency upon Russian oil and gas to a dependency on US oil and gas companies. This was the real goal of the sanctions. So now they are ready for peace talks. As Bush, Jr. would say, “Mission accomplished.”

From now on, Europe will have to pay much higher prices to meet its energy needs.

In addition to that, since the Bidenista regime has vowed to stop all new oil and gas drilling, the US has had to resume importing from other countries, so it is unlikely that the US will be able to supply Europe sufficiently. Whether the European economy can remain competitive or not is another matter. It is clear that with such high energy costs, Germany will no longer be able to compete with US companies, and if somehow they were able to find a way to compete, the US would simply raise prices once again to ensure that Germany can no longer compete.

It seems that Europe might not suffer too much this winter after all. In spite of the sanctions, they actually increased their imports of Russian gas over the summer, in order to fill their storage tanks for the winter. As of last June, their storage tanks were only half full.

As of November 7, their storage tanks were 95 percent filled.

Of course, they had to buy a lot of Russian gas through middlemen in other countries, which made it much more expensive.

And US companies have been more than willing to sell their liquid natural gas (LNG) to the Europeans for 4 times the price of Russian gas. Profits for the oil companies are skyrocketing, the stock market is up, US hegemony is secure, and everyone is happy this side of the Atlantic.

Nonetheless, it appears that because the storage tanks are nearly full at the start of winter, Europeans will not freeze to death this winter, unless they simply cannot afford the higher prices.