Letter to the Editor

Now that Putin has had successful referendums does this mean that we the people of Australia can have a referendum to return governance of our Nation back to its only Lawful Constitution of 1901?

And then could we secede from the Marxist/Jesuit corporations that have seized our Parliaments, Courts, Army and illegally imposed a foreign currency i.e. the Dollar upon us?

The people spoke overwhelmingly to join Russia

Can we then repudiate all their debt and arrest the employees of the Jew York “Federal Reserve” affiliated “Reserve” bank on charges of treason and National sabotage?

Maybe we need the Russian Army to assist the people of this occupied Nation to hold a real Referendum. Not one assisted by Dominion vote fraud or the dodgy AEC and demanded by Rothschilds to hand ownership to flag-burning blackfellas who love the place so much. Nearly 90% haven’t done a day’s work since that grub Whitlam, handed working Australians income taxes to pay both white and black people for “sit down money” to a collection of bludgers.

As of 1942 and the Japanese invasion, which was repelled by white Aussie boys including Aborigines giving their lives, the Marxist ” traditional” owners” mantra is about as false as a honest election result in Australia. Without our brave Australian boy’s defence, there would be no blackfellas or Australia to steal because the Japanese Imperial army had orders to shoot out or enslave all the people who lived here.

Aussie troops at Wewak, 1943

These orders were very explicit and were kept from the public by our Generals and Mc Arthur for political reasons of their own.
When a Japanese command centre at Lae in New Guinea was taken, these orders were seized. I know because my late cousin saw them and was there when they were translated.

When are the land rights crowd going to say sorry to white Aussies and apologise and thank them for saving us all? Or can’t these bludgers see any free money coming their way by doing what is right.

Jack Madison

Burnett, Qld