The Australian Freedom Rally organisers apparently had a rally in Melbourne and Cairns on Saturday. Naturally it received little MSM publicity. The organisers of these rallies have proven they have little understanding of Australian media and because of this they do not do themselves and anyone who attends rallies any justice.

They continue to use the most freedom-hostile medium on Earth, Zuckerberg’s Facebook to publicise their activities.

Rarely if ever do they send their rally notices or post-rally photos to Cairns News or other similar independent sites. It is only with the help of smart readers who forward notices that we are able to publish.

It’s a bit like Reignite Democracy which uses Telegram exclusively. Cairns News could probably count on one hand the number of its readers who subscribe to or read Telegram.

Trying to navigate Falsebook and the hotchpotch of Telegram is largely a waste of time. Independent internet news sites are monitored by most politicians. There are many subscribers to Cairns News.

While these various freedom groups remain so disjointed, demanding ‘it’s my way or the highway’, is it any wonder elections, meetings, rallies and demonstrations are fruitless?

The party duopoly will be laughing their guts out wallowing in their subsidised water holes.