Letter to the Editor

Never forget that this is an American war; an American offensive against Russia, – the Ukrainians are their proxies.

European Parliament not known for many wise decisions

As always, it’s the witless Europeans that will bear the brunt of the destruction. They obviously failed to realise that sanctions are not a one way system?: big players like Russia can also play the sanction card.

Germany has already started energy rationing, eg., the nation’s largest landlord Vonovia, has just implemented a nocturnal heating restriction policy [and this is high summer by the way!]. Two more months and winter dawns, then the action really starts.


Both Germany and France are experiencing the wider regional repercussions of this European war.


Since 2021, the smart money has been withdrawing from Europe at an unprecedented pace, they know their history well and have their wits about them: they know what’s coming. Many smart Germans have recently been buying up land in Paraguay and Uruguay: these people know the score.

In these circles, it is well known, – that the first Western region to fall will be Europe.

Watch this space.

from H Salza

United Kingdom