Source: Alison Ryan

First of all, the good news…

All is not lost. There was some good news out of the election:

  • Freedom parties (e.g. One Nation, UAP, Liberal Democrats, Australian Federation Party, IMOP, Katter’s Australia Party, etc) scored more than 12% of the nationwide vote, which — if voters preferenced every minor party on the ticket — would be enough to score a freedom party Senator in each State.
  • Pauline Hanson — a key fighter for freedom — is likely to be re-elected to the Senate.
  • A lot of left-wing Liberals have been given the boot all over the country.
  • Labor’s Kristina Kenneally — who continually tried to paint the freedom movement as domestic terrorists — has been removed from office. She was set to be Home Affairs Minister (and in charge of ASIO and the Australian Federal Police) and would’ve come after us.
  • A government that not only didn’t stand up against vaccine mandates but was complicit in enacting those mandates has been defeated.
  • We still have good people like Senator Malcolm Roberts, Senator Gerard Rennick and Senator Alex Antic in the Federal Parliament fighting for us.

Now for the bad news…

I don’t want to kid you. There was plenty of the bad news out of election night:

  • The freedom parties’ votes were not consistent around the nation and it is likely that voters didn’t preference other freedom parties. This could mean Pauline Hanson may be the only pro-freedom Senator elected to office this election.
  • Freedom fighter Craig Kelly has lost his seat.
  • I also did not succeed in my bid to become a Senator.
  • Labor — who have been worse than the Liberals on issues like vaccine mandates — appear to hold majority government.
  • A bunch of ‘Teal Independents’ won office who will pursue an aggressive agenda of control based around the so-called threat of ‘man-made climate change’.
  • The Senate will not be controlled by freedom parties, but by the Greens who are pro-mandate and also seek an aggressive agenda of control based around ‘man-made climate change’.

· What does this all mean?

  • What the result means is that things are going to get worse before they get better. There are imminent threats to national sovereignty and freedom on the not-too-distant horizon.
  • I’m talking about threats like the World Health Organization’s proposed International Health Regulation Changes, its Pandemic Treaty, the Digital Identity agenda and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset program to name but a few.
  • We cannot rely on a LaborGreens government to do the right thing when it comes to these threats. In fact, their socialist instincts will probably just make things worse.

· We need to keep fighting.

  • All of this is why the freedom movement is going to have continue the fight. While it might not seem it to many, a national vote of more than 12% is good for a movement that’s only just emerged. It’s something we can build upon.
  • But we can only build upon that base if the movement continues to fight, and puts petty differences — and party allegiances — to the side.
  • The other thing that’s going to be needed in this fight is solid, reliable information.
  • That’s where I come in. As a former journalist and now a former politician, I’m going to put those twin evils of media and politics to use for the forces of good.
  • Tomorrow, I will be emailing you with MASSIVE news on the future of Nation First. I’m going to share with you my plans to get you the right information to ensure that freedom prevails.
  • I don’t want to give anything away just yet but we are going to be going after the globalists, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, BlackRock, Vanguard and the like, and exposing the topics that the fake news mainstream media won’t touch.

Urgent election update!