The WHO released its White paper for consultation on 4 May 2022 calling it Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience.

The Executive summary shows how the unfolding plan of WHO intends to pull all nations in the world under its health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience (HEPR) architecture.

They say this will be achieved under the aegis of a new overarching Pandemic Accord. Their use of the word aegis comes from the world of mythology, and it has various meanings including a violent windstorm, a divine shield, and a goatskin garment. The WHO logo depicts a staff with a serpent coiled around it, which many health organisations use as well. Is this the serpent deity that will encircle the world? The serpent’s ability to periodically peel the outer covering off its entire body without harm and immediately regrow a new body covering has mythologized the serpent even to the extent that it encompasses the whole of nature and existence. The UN is a body of agencies that covers everything, fully intent on transforming the world yet under the aegis of a violent windstorm.

The writer of The Marshall Report, Dianne Marshall, penned these awesome words describing the UN.

“Remember their creepy display of school backpacks…lined like grave markers…this was all a part of their enchantments…today the children are targeted for death jabs. Coincidence? …Just take a good look at WHO and their involvement with world mandates and toxic bioweapons.”

Link:  United Nations New Statue… – The Marshall Report (

The WHO says that the Pandemic Accord will be the overarching of the nations.

 Its architecture has three tiers:

  1. Governance:
  2.  Global Health Emergency Council and World Health Assembly (WHA) Committee for Emergencies
  3. Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)
  4. Scale-up universal health preparedness reviews and monitoring
  5. Systems:
  6. Global health emergency workforce that is trained to common standards, interoperable, rapidly deployable, scalable and equipped
  7. Network of health emergency coordination hubs
  8. Standardize approaches to strategic planning, financing, operations
  9. Monitoring of health emergency preparedness and response
  10. Partnerships for a whole-of-society approach for collaborative surveillance, community protection, clinical care, and access to countermeasures
  11. Financing:
  12. Co-ordinating platform for financing domestic investment
  13. Direct existing and gap-filling international financing
  14. Establish Financial Intermediary Fund for pandemic preparedness and response
  15. Expand WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies
  16. Make WHO strong at the centre of the global HEPR architecture

This Pandemic Accord is currently under negotiation. A final version of the Director-General’s proposals will be provided ahead of the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly scheduled for 22 May – 28 May 2022.

Link: White Paper Consultation: Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience (