Letter to the Editor

The week of 8.4.2022 I came across an articles regarding a researcher and Government officials in Australia wanting to bring highly contagious lumpy skin disease samples into Australia so it can be studied.

Why would Agriculture Minister David Littleproud allow lumpy skin disease to enter Australia? It is found in India and Indonesia and we do not want it here.

It seems we do not have the disease in Australia. After a bit of a search it also seems there is an alarming rate of spreading of this disease around the world at the moment, so why would you risk the importation of this bug into our country, given what has happened over the last couple of years. 11.4.2022 and David Littleproud has given permission.

In my opinion this researcher should pack their suit case jump on a plane and go and research  the disease where it exists. We have in the past have had a top biosecurity act in place here in Australia,

Unfortunately it no longer has my confidence as it has been thrown out the window. If private business is involved its just about the money, I am sure I am not the only concerned Australian in regard to these types of infectious diseases. Let’s hope the bureaucrats were qualified to make the right decision or perhaps it has been imported already. If this disease suddenly appears we know where to start looking for answers. I am not happy how Australia has and is being run for years, An absolute Disgrace if you ask me.

Kind Regards,

Andrew Copeland


Editor: Minister Littleproud’s knowledge of agriculture would fit onto a postage stamp. His father was a country school teacher and David would have seen cows in a paddock somewhere which qualified him to be Minister. But have no doubt the ALP would do the same. Have these mindless bureaucrats and LNP dupes learnt nothing from the Covid scam?