from Era of Light

The Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History

Tavistock Institute was officially established in 1921 by Luciferian Jesuit agents serving the Vatican Roman Catholic one world empire. The sole purpose of Tavistock then and now is to devise methods of mind control in order to socially engineer the masses into subservience and ultimately “slavery.”

This invisible agency has unlimited funding and works closely with other Jesuit agencies such as the CIAFBIMI6, media corporations, Hollywood and advertising agencies to ensure the implementation of cultural programs that distract and ultimately blind the minds of men everywhere.

Tavistock Manipulates the Mind of Mankind

The Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry that manipulates popular perception in order to shape society.

Tavistock is People’s enemy number one, clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organisations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs -Chatham House, the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, CFR and all its affiliated organisations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment. It is without any doubt the Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History.

The Tavistock institute is a psychological warfare research centre, created in 1922. One of its remits was to develop ways to influence the ideologies of mass populations.
In particular, they gave us ‘The Beatles’ pop group, and many other popular mass music performers, like the Rolling Stones, and cults like Rock and Roll, etc.

Controlled by the Committee of 300 which is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands (Queen Beatrix whom, as we shall see later, has been photographed attending meetings of another ultra-secret society called The Bilderberg Group), the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to “go into business” with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so, the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as “the commoners”.  Through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for-profit corporation that violates U.S. Constitution and is a root of the problem.

Further, this institute developed the strategy of ‘crisis creation’ to manipulate mass populations, by sponsoring a number of ‘sensitivity’ and ‘diversity’ programs designed to erase a people’s individuality to make them ‘team players’.

Political correctness, is all about creating uniformity. Individuality is one of the biggest obstacles for the ‘ New World Order’. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to comply without asking questions.

Another discovery they did was related to stress. Researchers found out that people under controlled stress became more infantile and gave up strongly held beliefs under group pressure to conform to popular opinion. That explains why the mass media insist so much on sex, violence, and fear-inducing messages, via digital videos. To turn the populace into scared, submissive offspring.

On average; people spend four plus hours a day at their TV-screen, the equivalent of two months a year, or nine years in a lifetime, being hypnotized by a television screen without being conscious of the effects. They have almost stopped interacting with friends, neighbours, community, and even family.

The Tavistock Institute was involved in the rock and roll music movement. Former, MI6 agent John Coleman stated that Theodor Adorno wrote the lyrics for the Beatles and other British penetration bands. trying to influence and contaminate music.

From its modest beginnings in 1921, Tavistock was ready in 1966 to launch a major irreversible cultural revolution aka – the mass culture industry, one that has not yet ended.

Dr Lewin at Tavistock pushed the theory of topological psychology, which is to this day the world’s most advanced method of behaviour modification: i.e., brainwashing.

Docile, easily manipulated demoralised subjects

Psychopath Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) had stated that what was needed was a world populated by “docile,” easily manipulated and demoralised subjects. Russell regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle. Russell said,

“The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black.”

In doing research on this general topic, it is astonishing just how out in the open these criminals were and are with their schemes.

In the period before the WWII, Roosevelt sent Gen. William Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the CIA. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA, has always worked by guidelines set forth by the Tavistock Institute. Toward the end of the war, Tavistock personnel took over the World Federation of Mental Health. Other collaborators were the Stanford Research Institute, Rand, and the Institute for Social Relations. More P2/