Letter to the Editor

Personally, I have never bought into the purported belief that we in Australia are basically a gunless nation. Quite the contrary. I’m convinced we are in reality armed to the back teeth. We may have foolishly surrendered a reasonable portion of firearms back in ’96, but we’ve had more than ample time to recoup. And become a lot smarter in the aquisition and squirrelling of them.

In NZ, the government only recently had to finally admit that their Howardesque gun recall was an epic fail. In fact gun ownership there has since doubled in only 3 years! and is steadily increasing.

Here in Australia, they’re at it again with the national gun amnesty launched in February. This is clear evidence that we are very far from being unarmed. Currently this amnesty is being ‘cranked to eleven’ under the pretext of “keeping communities safe”. Hahaha! Like the scamdemic mandates and death shots are to “keep us healthy and safe”. Gun holders aren’t going to fall for this again. Most likely only a small percentage of firearms will be handed in due to warring neighbours and the like dobbing each other in. (And it’s highly unlikely that the silly sheeple have guns right?!). But of course the handed-in numbers will be massively fudged with this too.

Why this amnesty? and why now?. What are the ‘powers that be’ plotting? Or are they preparing for the inevitable pushback from subjecting us to even more tyranny? Could they fear that a Dominion voting system rigged election may finally push people over the edge?
Whatever nefariousness is afoot, there’s definitely a sh*t-storm on the horizon. Just sayin’.

D Johnson
