by Lindsey Symonds

And here in Briz – at the juicy end of the Big Pineapple we have had our first climate lockdown – school’s out last week when a few clouds appear in the sky. This is the new forecast: cloudy with a chance of climate change and lockdown. I can hear the weather widget now.

They have to have a state of emergency now that the Whole Schlomo of the CoVID narrative has tanked. They have to keep their operation on life support. All the triple vaxxed liberals and cultural Marxists are back into the bistros with no mask sipping their soy lattes. So now it is time to get the sheeple terrified of climate change. Pathetic Polar bears floating on icebergs isn’t going to cut it. Now they have to get out the flood machine and flood em out. Looks like poor old Northern Rivers NSW got the worst of it. My tradies working up here on Tuesday told me the news from their surf club Coolie – a live cow came ashore at D Bar. Can you imagine. The Tweed with all the dead livestock floating down and the bull sharks swarming the carcasses. This cow just swims the flood and makes it to the surf.

Fellow Australians. Never to doubt it – we can flip our politutes, stand down these corporate agents of the UN and the High Cabal, reclaim our nation and set the good ship Australia on its foundations in law and government. It can be done.