Letter to the Editor

Another step toward total subjugation as the citizens continue to live in fairy land, blindly accepting whatever they read on their corn flakes packets, or early morning medication shots, whilst satan, the boss of this hell bound planet, through his A.B.C., t.v and radio assets, tells all their listeners everything is fine, don’t panic, go back to total apathy, and remember, it was Russia who owns the world bank, not the Rothschild, etc., and they, the multi-billionaires are really on our side.

  Russia is not the problem, it is the Vatican, and her American lap dog!

  That’s what most were told on the morning news, along with absolutely nothing about how the Truckers in Canada have actually tried to wake the public up to what is really going on, and, possibly this will lead to the global shut down of food, water, medications, did I say, medications, toilet paper, as food, or the lack of it, or toilet paper, or lack of it, becomes Big Mumma’s next weapon of mass destruction.

  OHHHHH! Did I say toilet paper? 

  That’s exactly what the masses are being fed, carefully wrapped in used toilet paper, political and especially religious pancreas, along with artificially coloured, preservatized, flavoured, crap, to give all who eat AIDS, HIV., MUMPS, SYPHILIS, etc., along with their tracking devices, with which they will be able to turn off any disobedient, rebellious citizens, at any time, with their rebellious attitudes!!

   What we are part of is the establishment of a satanic hierarchy, headed by the vatican, enforced by their servant, America, the image unto the beast, as every possibility of escape is now closed to all, though, funnily enough, it will be these children of the beast, who will be praying for the rocks to fall on them as GOD allows satan to murder his, satan’s children, in their mass tomb! (With their reams of toilet paper, to wipe the pancreas which is dribbling out of their respective mouths!

  Whether it is Biden, or any other supposed political leader, it is the same pancreas, and, like their toilet paper, will come in many assorted colours for them, as they are crushed by their god, the anti-Christ, headed by their pope, along with his assorted arch-bishops, pastors, etc., who have all rejected GOD, preferring to believe, accept the lie first sold to Eve, in the beginning, at she would not die!

  OPPPS! Have we heard this before?

  Have a great day, stock up on sanity as it is now in short supply, along with the toilet paper!

from J Nolan