Letter to the Editor

Science is showing that this pandemic might never end. There is but one way out

I Am A Research Virologist coming forward with not new nor unknown information,
Nothing that any Virologist doesn’t already know and that has already been published in
Science Journals for decades.

My background is in Vaccinology, I was referred by WHO to make a vaccine for Dengue Fever.

There is a way to end the Pandemic, but first I need to lay out some science. 60-
70% of your defense are Neutrophils which are the first to arrive at an infection.
They make hydrogen peroxide in your lungs, gut, and thyroid called Oxidative Burst.
This action can be measured by a lab as an assay. You may be able to look this up on Google, or call a lab. When they attack with Oxidative Burst they Oxidize the Virus.

When you Oxidize a virus…It Reverse Mutates ( in Journals). This means that first it becomes more contagious but the Symptoms become milder (Omicron), then people start to not become infected from other people, then humans stop becoming infected, then the virus reverse mutates through the animals it came from until it
Goes back to the animal where it began….and it stays there.

This Is Why Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS all disappeared (The Longest of these lasted MONTHS Not YEARS)
This is the REAL
Meaning of Herd Immunity. Enough people have recovered from Covid to Oxidize the virus and any Variants. No one who has had Covid should ever wear a Mask. They
Should go out in public as much as possible! After they are well of course. They truly are
Walking air purifiers….oxidizing the virus for everyone else, who in catching the milder reverse mutation can then oxidize it ….etc. The Virus just disappears.

A T Cell stimulant vaccine ( as they all are for Covid) actually encourages more
Variants to form. ( this is in Journals). The T cell response actually prevents the
Neutrophils response…..no Oxidative Burst. Even a Covid survivor will not be
Able to oxidize the virus after vaccines. They should NOT be given Covid
vaccines!!! You will BLOCK them from stopping the pandemic.

Do you want simple proof? Look out at the people swarming Ottawa. No masks,
Close contact, lots of hugs, -25 degrees, not much sleep with the honking, how
Is their nutrition? Their Vit D ? Zinc? Selenium? Doubtful. Yet…..they are so healthy?
No 1000’s to ER or hospital……in fact in videos I haven’t heard a single cough and it is well past day 5. Oxidative Burst at it’s Finest! Proof that the unvaccinated are protecting the vaccinated!

Please research this for yourself for your people.
I am in danger telling you this…..but you must know the truth to make the right

from Mary


Comment from:

Gabriella M Marchetti (BSc hons)

From one Scientist to another, If you can prove oxidization, then why have no Scientists Worldwide been able to isolate a live sample? The only sample available is a computer generated model of the SCV-2 CV19 virus. This theory would have to be also based on a computer generated model it seems.