Letter to the Editor

I saw a video this evening of Putin talking to reporters.
So this is not conjecture.

Russian President Vladimir Putin tells Ukraine and NATO to leave the Crimea alone.

These are his words:

“I want to stress it one more time. *sigh*
I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online.
Do you understand it, or not, that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European Countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia.
Of course NATO and Russia potentials are incompatible.
We understand it.
But we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear States and by some modern components, it even out performs many.

There will be no winners.
And you will be pulled into this conflict against your will.

You won’t even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article 5 (collective defence of NATO members).
France President (Macron) of course doesn’t want this and I don’t want it…which is why he is here, torturing me for 6 hrs straight….”

Reference East2West (interpreted)

from Seb
