by James Lewis*

Since as far back as the 1920’s there began a concerted effort to undermine our Constitution and destroy the rights and freedoms, it gave us.

Prime Minister M.S Bruce, 1923 – 1929, a Nationalist Party member was a good freemason and destroyed our original Commonwealth Bank as a provider of cheap, plentiful finance, to assist Australian industry, agriculture and mining to develop our young Nation. 

Stanley Bruce PM 1923 – 29

He began the handover of our assets to big foreign finance. This is a policy near and dear to the political parties today. That is where the big bribes come from. The golden handshake. Corporate fascism. 

Pig Iron Bob Menzies, a senior mason and Anglophile absolutely sold us out with his International Tax Agreements (Double Tax) Act 1953. Not to mention his establishment of The “Reserve” bank and appointment of Nugget Coombs a fully fledged Communist Party member and paedophile as its Governor. 

His Act gave Coombs total power to override the Treasurer in matters of National finance.

Coombs did and crippled the country.

Australia was at a standstill, with the Rothschilds and their puppet Menzies, starving the country of funds and using their controlled media and masonic and socialist puppets in Parliament, preventing any return to proper Banking and our Treasury from creating (not borrowing from banks or taxing the people) funds for infrastructure and development of industry and housing.

Along came Liberal PM Harold Holt. He was sold the idea in 1966 that we could go to the USA and shift to a dollar currency linked to the American Federal reserve bank, which is also unlawful under the American Constitution,  and which is just another Rothschild/ Rockefeller clone like our “Fed”. He could borrow from them. The trade off was that we had to send our boys to Viet Nam. “All the way with LBJ.”. All we got was the CIA and Mossad moving in here permanently. 

Harold Holt PM 1966-67 allegedly drowned while skin diving near Melbourne

To adopt the dollar required that we have a referendum of all states and our Sovereign give assent. Neither happened, nor did our Parliament ever vote on it, yet we have the dollar??

In 1996 the High Court ruled that the dollar was NOT a lawful currency of the Commonwealth of Australia (Leske V Commonwealth). So any Governor or Judge being paid in the currency of a foreign Nation is working for WHO??

Then came Whitlam a paedophile and communist.  In 1973 he demanded of our Queen that she hand to him Her land titles and Her subjects so that he could make them all Australian citizens, She refused but Whitlam lied and acted as though she agreed. She couldn’t agree because in the Act of Settlement she and all her heirs and successors are bound to never abrogate or divest themselves of the responsibility to uphold all the Rights of their Subjects. She is not a figurehead as the Jesuit/masonic criminals constantly promote. She holds the land in a strict contract with whoever bought it to the total exclusion of any third party, especially the Parliament. She couldn’t give it to Whitlam or Hawke or any other crook. This ownership prevents the government from borrowing against your property title. Or bringing in any “green” laws telling the owner of the land what can be done on that land.

Elizabeth signed his Royal Styles and Titles Act of 1973 across the top of the front page, thus voiding the entire document.

 Whitlam continued his deception thus stripping us of all our common law rights under Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus, The Bill of Rights of 1688, The Right of Petition and The Act of Settlement of 1700 and The Common Law. All this our Sovereign swears to uphold in Her Coronation Oath. But since the time of Holt there ceased to be any lawful constitutional Government.  All their laws are void.

This is why the Jesuits and the Rothschilds socialists have flogged the “native” title and “first nations” scam relentlessly. Rothschild Bank is the principal mortgagee of Queensland.

Mabo 1. Stole the ownership of title from the person who had paid for it. Mabo 2 stole it back from the native claimant and gave it to the fake Parliaments so that they could borrow against it.

A little history of the English republic is relevant here. Oliver Cromwell led a parliamentary uprising against the King Charles 1. Charles was fighting constant wars and was broke. He taxed the people to fund his army. Cromwell fought the Kings forces and Charles the First was defeated and executed. Cromwell’s army  was financed by the Amsterdam Jews who were fronting for the Pope. Cromwell and his son allowed these Banksters to gain a foothold in London in the “City” And to practice usury which was prohibited by Common Law. And the Magna Carta. Cromwell proceeded to borrow against all the land titles of Britain, just like the crooks here today.

The people rose up and drove Cromwell’s son out of office and reestablished the Monarchy with William and Mary of Orange, but under strict rules. 

The King could not tax or make any Laws but Parliament was limited by having to get Royal Assent to any Law they proposed. Assent could not be granted if the proposed law breached any of the granted rights of the people. 

The King appointed Governors, Judges and magistrates and police commissioners and paid them from consolidated funds.  Not the party hacks of the Parliament.

 This system made Britain the bastion of freedom and was hated by Popes, Banksters and all corrupt power drunk politicians everywhere. 

For example if we had a Government of the Constitution in Australia, all gun laws designed to disarm and leave the people helpless would never get that assent as they are contrary to our Bill of Rights of 1689.

 Governors have given their private “assent” because they are not lawful governors with any Letters Patent, but merely private employees of the political parties. The word ‘Royal’ has since been removed from all Parliaments. No separation of powers. Premier Rob (Bubbles) Borbidge in circa 1998 had the last legitimate Governor of Queensland Peter Arnison seal his Royal appointment and become a public servant thus removing lawful governance in Queensland ever since. 

 All the rest of the little piggies in the other States followed. Hawke tried a referendum to get his socialist republic but the people threw it out. But here we are??

Hawke tried his Australia Act 1986 ( but Elizabeth refused to sign it. No referendum of the people again. His private courts and Governors acted as though he had legitimate authority because he paid them with our money. Nothing has changed.

 This again is what our Masonic controlled police and Army and courts have been protecting.  One word, treason, applies.

These people have created fake  ” Governments” and courts to subvert Her authority and steal the peoples property and freedoms.  

All the while our Army has stood by and under the control of corrupt Masonic  and often paedophile Generals and officers, aided and abetted and protected this treason. 

We see the Army being used to intimidate aboriginal people into taking the lethal injection against all Constitutional Law and against the Nuremberg code and the Helsinki agreement.  These officers and their men are now guilty of crimes against humanity and must be treated as the criminals they are. 

Liberal PM Fraser continued the treason. And because he had been caught feeding sensitive field deployment information to the Viet Cong through a spy attached to the old Communist Russian Embassy in Canberra, he rapidly got rid of any competent and patriotic military officers and began replacing them with politically “reliable” masonic and leftist officers. His treachery cost quite a few lives in Vietnam.

He was of course the father of the divisive “multi cultural ” policy foisted onto us. He should have been Court Martialed and shot.

Hawke entrenched the appointment of politically reliable command of our Army. 

The separation of the powers makes it harder for loyalty to some corrupt political agenda. We no longer have that since the end of Governor General Kerr’s term ended. 

No Letters Patent no Governor equals no Parliament and no laws.

The entity calling itself the “Australian” Government is only a private company. It has no people in the preamble of Hawkes “Constitution”  Never was a referendum of the people to permit it. 

We the people being subjects under the protection of Elizabeth the Second and being under Contract with Her as CEO of our Parliament and holder of our Land title in trust, don’t recognise any document presented as being supported by some “queen of Australia ” 

Elizabeth 11. It is a fiction. 

Elizabeth the Second is forbidden by the Act of Settlement of 1700 to ever divest herself of her powers or her responsibilities to her Subjects to any legal construct.

Her choice is simply to defend Her people by upholding their rights or resign.

These pretend Parliaments claim to be Sovereign and that our rights are only what they give us, nothing more. Their private courts and police enforce their criminal edicts. We have come a full circle back to Cromwell’s parliamentary dictatorship. The Army is complicit in their crimes!!

The Chinese mass murderer Mao Zedong made a pertinent observation, ” all political power comes from the barrel of a gun”.  Just look at the thugs pretending to be Police in Victoria, defending a purported Premier who should long ago been moved to his natural environment, jail. 

They are not independent police but private enforcers. Western Australia isn’t very far behind in its crimes against the people. Yet the Army sits on it’s butt, watching this Covid scamdemic being used to consolidate socialist/ Jesuit dictators. 

Politically reliable heads of the Army remain.

Any section of our Army that by some miracle survive have a very short time to act to restore Lawful Governance.  They would have to rapidly enlist a civilian militia to support their actions as happened in Romania in 1989. When the socialist President and many of his criminal backers “took the cure”. A mark of the high regard the people had for him was evidenced by when six volunteers were asked to do the deed in the firing squad, eighty volunteered. 

At the time of the American Revolution, after the British army under Cornwallis were defeated, disarmed and put on boats back home, the people dragged the Judges from their homes and hung them.

 Their homes were burnt down and their wives were told to get back to England any way they could, but not to stay around.

 This was because the people said that these Judges in failing to uphold the rights of the people, the very same rights that we are losing here today, were taking blood money. 

The reason their palatial homes were burnt is that blood money had built them.

No doubt much more could be added but I believe what I have said is sufficient.

James Lewis is a political scientist and historian