by Lindsey Symonds

It bears repeating. There is no Covid-19. Covid stands for certificate of vaccination identity – which is the entire point of this exercise.

No SARS Cov-2 was ever isolated from any human tissue and shown to be infectious and transmissible. The CDC could never supply a sample of ‘covid-19’ to any research lab for independent testing and research – and were successfully sued by many universities for failure to do so. The symptoms of concern , the red flag symptoms which have been drummed into us for the last two years – ‘stay home and get a ‘covid’ test if you have : sniffles, cough, runny nose’ – are the symptoms of the cold and flu. Now the CDC admits on their own website the RT PCR test could never distinguish between the common cold and influenza.

That’s because it IS THE COMMON COLD AND INFLUENZA. If if walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, tastes good with plum sauce : it is a duck. And this duck has a 99.8% survival rate.

For this we now have a mandatory injection with a spike protein biotech that will destroy your immune system over 3 or 4 injections and give you acquired immuno deficiency – apart from an adverse reaction to the serum itself – and these can be life threatening and fatal.