by Lyndsey Symonds

D’Ath is one of the Three Wicked Vampire Witches of the George St Cabal responsible for Trad’s monster abortion law and practice in the Big Q. Big Abortion is part of the Big Bio-Tech, Big Pharma, Big Organ Harvesting Combine of the CCP. This industry requires a steady supply of fetal tissue, stem cells and human organs.

Yvette D’Ath Keeping up the supply of aborted foetus’ for Big Pharma

Since their Euthanasia law came into effect Jan 2022, the Cabal and the Flying Monkeys are moving in fast on the Qld population itself – not just the most vulnerable at the beginning and end of life.

The good doctor’s (Dr Stilgoe) questions are civilized, informed, compassionate and irrelevant. All we need to know about D’Ath is whether or not she has sacrificed the required number of children to Baphomet that will enable her to move decisively against the children of Qld. Maybe not. From her photo-ops of late she looks to me like she is now on short rations of Adrenochrome. This is a good sign.