by Alexandra Bruce, US correspondent

Dr David Martin joins Man In America host, Seth Holehouse to talk about the motives for the death shot.

Dr Martin says that 30 years ago, it was known that Social Security was going to run out but rather than solve this, the fund was instead raided continuously and is currently set to run out in 2028.

President Donald Trump’s support for Covid shots is dividing his base

He says that the targeting of those 65-and-older as the first in line to receive the jab was because the Government wants to shrink the pool of social security beneficiaries and this was most evident with the actions of the governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and California, who all intentionally allowed tens of thousands of elderly patients to die with their policies of returning hospitalized COVID patients to nursing homes.

He explains that killing the elderly off is also form of gerrymandering. If you reduce the population of those over 65, who tend to be more conservative, it turns out that you get to re-district.


As for Fauci, he says he had no credentials to be “America’s doctor” for a respiratory pathogen program.

Dr Anthony Fauci, US Chief Health Officer. “He was put in that position to show that he had, in fact executed the coup d’état on the Presidency. This was the pharmaceutical industry having photo ops to say, ‘The President of the United States has been marginalized and emasculated and he is standing behind Fauci, he standing behind Birx, he’s standing behind Alex Azar and the fact of the matter is Trump(at rear), to this day does not understand that, not only was he played but this was a coup in which he had the coup leaders in his inner circle.” 

“He was put in that position to show that he had, in fact executed the coup d’état on the Presidency. This was the pharmaceutical industry having photo ops to say, ‘The President of the United States has been marginalized and emasculated and he is standing behind Fauci, he standing behind Birx, he’s standing behind Alex Azar and the fact of the matter is Trump, to this day does not understand that, not only was he played but this was a coup in which he had the coup leaders in his inner circle.” 

Seth asks David about the theory that by launching Operation Warp Speed, he averted 5 to 10 years of lockdowns. David shakes his head.

“Neil Ferguson’s 2 million bodies in the streets didn’t happen – and it didn’t happen because the bioweapon that was engineered – if we go back and read the ingredient label on the bioweapon – it says: ‘Infectious, Replication-Defective.’

“Now, Seth, the problem with that is they told us what it was. They told us that they were making a thing that made you sick but was hard to transmit. We had to look all over the place to come up with these BS stories of transmission and not one of them has been empirically shown to be the case. As a matter of fact, when a study was actually done on asymptomatic transmission, not only did we not find evidence of transmission, we could not find the provenance of the infectious agent.”


Seth talks about how Trump’s support for the vaccine has been divisive among his base and he asks for David’s take on it.

David replies, “Leadership is saying the truth. If you’re not capable of saying the truth, then you’re not a leader and the fact of the matter is, there is not a single possibility that President Trump could possibly make the statement, ‘No one has died from the vaxxine,’ because in the clinical trials, themselves, there were abnormal numbers of deaths in the vaxxine population…

“The fact of the matter is that Trump is lying and we need to call it what it is…

“In the Fall of 2019, he received a very, very clear statement drafted by Yours Truly that actually said, ‘If you want to have a chance at winning the election, you have to stop supporting the coup attempt.’ That letter is a letter I wrote and I know it was requested by a member of his family, delivered to him. I know he knew it.

“And my point was, ‘If you want to win the election, you have to point to this short guy that’s in front you at the podium and go,

‘By the way, this domestic terrorist is the reason why we almost lost our country and I’m holding this domestic terrorist accountable.’

“Now, convenient thing is it would have been very easy to have the Secret Service or the FBI there and arrest him and cuff him and we would have been out of this nonsense a long time ago.

“But for reasons that can only be described as patronage, because it turns out that it is bad, bad, bad for business if you’re going into an elected position, it’s bad for business to be on the wrong side of the drug dealers, because let’s face it: drug dealers are the largest endorser of political campaigns in America.”

Big Pharma is the largest campaign contributor by nearly three times, compared to the next biggest lobby. “If you hold the drug dealers accountable, they hold you accountable and you don’t get elected and that has got to stop, because Trump’s morality was for sale for 30 pieces of silver and he has sold American lives to the drug dealers.”

Seth asks David whether he thinks Trump might have signed an NDA that is preventing him from speaking out. David answers, “What I do know is that on the 19th of September, 2019, when he signed the executive order that included the mandate for the vaxxines that included recombinant gene technology, in September of 2019, Seth, there was not a single reason for that to be an executive order…The only reason that executive order was

put on his desk is someone paid him to sign it…

“That’s the executive order that ties into the mRNA platform, which is exactly what Anthony Fauci told Congress in December 4th of 2019. So before there’s a Wuhan anything, before we’ve heard about anything happening in China, we were told this was for the mRNA platform, that’s what the executive order was for. That’s exactly what was said on December 4th, 2019. 

“And that gives rise to the economic interests of CRISPR, because it turns out that if you start putting mRNA into people, you’re going to have to find technologies that clip it out. And the only way you’re going to do that, because as many times that people tried to do it before, it never succeeded because the Church always got in the way. Morality always got in the way. We needed to find a way to get the Church and morality out of the picture and we needed to make sure that we could edit the human genome and have nobody comment on that from a moral or ethical standpoint, and God forbid, have a religious objection.

“So what do we do? We actually manufacture the agent of delivering the altering chemistry, the mRNA platform and then, lo and behold, mysteriously, in December of 2020, we have two women win the Nobel Prize for CRISPR – during the pandemic created to get CRISPR into mainstream without the objection of the Church, who had object to it for a decade before.”

Seth asks him if there is any way that Operation Warp Speed saved lives, and David responds, “I wanted this to be answerable in ‘Maybe there’s a multi-level chess board and this is a move on one level to save a move on the other level,’ but here’s the problem with that story: The problem with that story is what’s happened to the military.

“You do not allow the Department of Defense to issue a self-inflicted harm order to the Department of Defense, where you take military men and women, people who are trained advance fighting forces, Navy SEALS, Special Forces, special air wings in the Air Force – you do not take our best defense and sideline them by forcing them to take the kill shot. You do not do that if you’re playing for the same team…[AB note: Trump never mandated vaxxines for the military or for anybody, so how is this his fault?]

“And by the way, the current Secretary of Defense is a traitor and we need to call it what it is. You do not weaken your own army so that a foreign party can take advantage of that weakness. We have fewer Special Forces, we have fewer Marines, we have fewer defensive postures than we had 6 months ago and 8 months ago and we did it for what? We did it because we were trying to force people to take a jab that would ultimately harm their fighting force readiness.

“I wrote a piece for the Department of Defense and it was circulated internally, which actually suggested that, in addition to the vaxxine injury question, which is actually a very significant problem, we were doing what is called ‘battlefield softening’. In other words, we were self-inflicting onto our defense forces a means by which fewer of them could potentially rise to the defense of this country. And we did that intentionally and no empire in human history has survived an internal military fighting force softening. And we did it to ourselves…

“This is corruption at its core. This is evil at its core and We the People have to be able to actually call it what it is. This is the expression of evil. And against that expression, we have to have the voice of truth and we have to have the forces of good.”


Seth then asks him where sees this heading and where does the hope lie?

David replies, “I’m not a fan at all of hope, I think it is a disgusting metaphor that allows us to defer reality, so I’m going to go with I am certain of a present where we, as people of courage, we as people of faith, we as people of morals, we as people of values have the opportunity to let this be the clarion call that wakes us into action…

“The evidence shows that people who do have a moral compass, people who do have a voice, people who do understand what leadership is and who do understand what it means to put the lives of others before their own, this is a moment where we in fact are standing up.

“And so the great news is, I don’t have hope for a future, I have certainty for a future, because the fact is that we are now coming into the Christmas season – and listen – we tell the Christmas story like many other stories so freaking wrong, because we’re trying to make it a Hallmark greeting card.

“Remember that King Herod sought to kill every child. Remember that. No different from the Puppet-in-Chief Biden, seeking to kill and maim everything under the age of 5, so that he can actually continue this reign of domestic terrorism.

“And it was in that moment that what happened? It was in that moment that wise men from the East came and found a stable and in that stable they found a mother and they found a child and they actually realized that there was something so much bigger, so much more transcendent than any of the forces of darkness.

“And listen, we’re talking about the whole Roman Empire killing off every child. You think that was a bad day to be alive? You better believe it but guess what? It was into that moment that our Incarnation’s story happens.

“We have to start telling our own truth and our own truth is the Light will always prevail against the Darkness. This is the absolute certainty – not the hope – the certainty that we, in fact are going to prevail.”

-Forbidden Knowledge TV